⚔ [23 Aug, 2020] - 70th Raid Tournament - 5* Rush Attack, No Ice/ Blue

Day 2 was a lot harder. My only manatroops are yellow and blue… I lost with yellow against purple tanks (my yellows aren’t the strongest), and the boards were bad… (last match against a full red defense, I took my favourite red/purple, and got diamonds in all the wrong colors. Then one popped, all opponents were charged and game over). 2-3. 7-3 total.

Defense does alright at 4-2


Day 2 - I Played poorly today. I had no faith in my 4* heros in a 5* tournament. That’s a mistake. I went 3 - 2 attacking and 3 - 2 defending. Overall, I’m 7 - 3 attacking and 4 - 5 defending (C-rated defense). Defense is doing better, but still taking more losses than expected. For better or worse attacking-wise, I have to go with what I know has the highest degree of success regardless of emblems and let the board decide our fate. Good luck all! :wink:


Day 2:

Still undefeated on offense. Been running 4-1 purple or yellow stacks depending on the defense.

However, lost 2 on defense without any wins, so currently sitting at a B with 3-3.


Well, decided to buy few more attacks to try this newly acquired knowledge about mana troops and costume bonuses in RA tourneys. :muscle:
Gonna go with 6-tiles settings all the way. :joy:


Thanks @rho! You really opened my eyes! :joy:
Today easier opponents, which was expected, but now I factor one more thing when deciding who’s going to battle, and the result was much better than first two days. I consider this tourney to be a good gaming school. :wink:


6 tiles mana control is da bomb. Trust me I took out a 4344 team featuring a MoNo+18 tank using a 3986 team without a single red hero, with MoNo manashielding no less than 5 times, and going off 4 times. It was definitely a war of attrition but the nice thing about that particular 2-2-1 team is unless you have a full team of hard snipers, if you try to play the attrition game I will almost always win unless the board is spectacularly bad.


Day 3:

Unbeaten streak had to end sometime. Ran into a bunch of 4700+ teams. Grade A heroes. Fully emblemed. Maxed or near maxed troops. The works! :sweat_smile:

Could only manage 2-3 today. Defense still a B so far.


Day 3


I went 13 wins and 2 loses of 15 attacks.
I mostly use mono purple with 2 rigards, proteus, ursena and c.tiburtus.

If the enemy has a green tank or two or more greens i go red with falcon, BT, Scarlet and some purples .
I could use colen but hes not emblemed and hes so squisy.

Defense my defense is doing really bad . 5 attacks and all defeats so my score comes from my attacks.


And I’m out. Another board where purple matches just wouldn’t appear…

Next week is probably 4* again, where I can compete better.

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@WaVe You’re correct! Next week is a 4* Bloody tournament w/All Elements.


Currently wishing my defence team could keep up with my attacks. Sitting in top 5% but E rated defence


It got better after the first battle :thinking:


Blergh lost 2 today, both teams had 20 node Albys X_X not that I would have won those if they didn’t have the Albys :laughing: All the teams I fought today were like 4600tp…when you’re that underpowered for rush attack the starting board determines a lot - whoever charges specials first usually wins LOL. Defense still a B.


Day 3
Attack: 4-1
Defence: 1-1

Attack: 13-2
Defence: 7-2
Score:10,718 (1% - Rank: 1,791 for now but will drop since there are a lot of hours to go for today)


A loss a day makes SGG say yay.


this is the last match i won and I was surprised as hell.


@rho do u mean for the purposes of a rush RT or in general?

DAY 3 4W 1L
DAY 2 5W 0L
DAY 1 2W 3L
11-4 TOTAL ( YES CONTINUED :man_shrugging:)

Yes my loss today came against my 1st Telly tank opponent…
I used the same attax team again today for all 5 attax. If Proteus stays alive, I win {coralaryicly (so bad sp.) Speaking}


That was Day 2
Day 3 didn’t go as well

1W 3L so far thru today and a drop from 55.5% to 46.1% and a C grade.

I gotta say that I’m feeling pretty good about this result, especially after I got blasted on day 1.

I do have a question/concern about my Zim on attack- Zim is not getting charged on 6 tiles… Is that simply because I have used a lvl 16 CRIT TROOP , And not a Mana troop? I was under the impression that at v fast RT regardless of the hero/troop, 6 tiles would charge the hero… Obviously not counting ghost tiling. Am I wrong with that impression? If so, I will put a Mana troop on her from now on. I wish I had video of this. I will definitely record my day 4 attax to show what I mean. Im expecting Zim and marj to charge up at the same time. If there’s anything you guys can lmk as to why this might be happening, im all ears.


For RT only not in general, even with max costume bonus, emblem bonus, and lv 29 mana troop you can’t even get a fast hero to v fast, let alone average speed.

And to answer your other question, v fast is 6.5 tiles, so need a lv 11 mana troop to bump over the 9% mana bonus threshold needed to charge in 6 tiles (6*1.09 = 6.54 tiles) if no costume/emblem bonuses are available.


Okay thanks. I understand now. I’ve been trying to study the sheets I’ve seen re: Mana generation and ways to manipulate them for the better. Idk why it hasn’t sunk in yet lol. I have a couple of different pieces of info on Mana troops/calculating #tiles etc. If there’s anything newer and in a different format where maybe my brain will be able to absorb it, I’m looking for it.
Thanks again @rho!