⚔ [20th Sept, 2020] - 74th Raid Tournament - 5* Bloody Battle, No Ice/ Blue

Ares isn’t going to be a great tank for this tournament as his healing is blocked by the Bloody Battle rule.

I would probably shift Gravemaker into tank.

You are also running a lot of purples, which will invite a heavy yellow stack. Ursena discourages this but still relies on firing to stop the yellow stack…

Another thing to note is that Sif (counter attack) gains a fair bit of a boost in this style of tournament due to the lack of healing to oppose counter attack… Additionally, her damage reduction comes in pretty handy in a non-healing format.

I would probably look at shifting it up somewhat to maybe the below:
Joon -- Ursena -- Gravemaker -- Sif -- Seshat


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the feedback, that helps clarify some things and makes a bit more sense. I never know where to put any of my hero’s. So, wars and raids are basically luck of the draw for me.

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Have a look at these threads by @D_DI:
5* heroes positioning guide & 4* heroes positioning guide

They should help with your defence team positioning. You can also always create a thread to ask for help setting up your defence & also to help assemble offence teams :slight_smile: I personally have 6 pre-set raid teams that I use. One for each coloured opposing tank.


Thank you so much! Is there also a thread that helps determine which hero’s to level up in which order or how many copies to keep? I’m at a lost still so much to learn honestly.

Not really; that would be where creating your own advice request thread comes in.

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@BubblesUK Grimble was my 2nd Dark 5* hero and I used him in my regular defense for several months until I got something better. With all the minon-generating heros, Grimble helped me to stay in Diamond raid level and held up better than Domitia. Go figure! :wink:

@BubblesUK I don’t plan on stripping any of my existing 5* heros. All new Fighter emblems will go to Killhare.


Will go with these, let’s see :thinking:


I thought of that, but IMO the loss of revive and the difference in stats makes Marjana much sturdier. And hopefully Marj can draw fire long enough for Elena (and other flank Inari) to fire. thanks though!

Considering two of my +19s are blue, I have to work with what I got.
At least this should properly punish a bad board.

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And we’re back to 4-1 on the opening day! :joy:
Lost last one, but scored almost 500 pts because there was only Colen left in the corner with few hp.

Defence is being avoided, that is the norm in last 3-4 weeks. But in this tourney, maybe it’s better that way: 5 Cs is better then 5Es. :see_no_evil::joy:

Not really working so far…

Ah well, maybe it will get better…

Day one is always the roughest (remember defences you face get harder as the days go by - so the same goes on defence, you’re more likely to win on later days!)

And two is a small sample size too, TBF…

Let’s see how it goes :slight_smile:

Guys, what do you bring against Black Knight tank in this format? My dispellers are either green and blue, either healers - sometimes both.
One loss today came from BK flanked with 2 Elenas (mono red defence). I tried to prevent the trio in the front from casting special with Mist and Malosi, but didn’t have tiles for that so BK fired two times. Killed them all but Colen, but I realised BK will be real trouble in faster defences.

I just have to say a huge thank you!!! I have know it’s only day 1, but top 1% so far. I know my rank is on lower end of course but all wins on attacks and grade A on defense not bad at all. Now if I could only learn/understand how to set up my other areas (war, raids, defense/offense) that would be amazing. Baby steps though. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR HELP!


Totally true of course! These two could have gotten an awesome board.

My offense went 4-1. Had 4 good boards

and one terrible, by the time I got reds and purples, I was as good as dead. A lucky cascade in the end managed to kill 2/5, so no zero.

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for what it’s worth, a lot of day 1 activity- compared to normal. at least 6 raids so far and we are tracking as a B.

I havent seen any real whales raid me yet though so we might be more on track for a c by end of week.


Domitia…or even better Seshat, don’t have Seshat

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Yeah, that makes sense. Don’t have them. :man_shrugging:t2:
Gonna be tough for me if I face such defence in bloody battle. Otherwise I wouldn’t have an issue using Melendor and Caedmon. I guess it is my best hope to charge Malosi and just block it.

Or Panther or Kage, of course :slight_smile: