⚔ [12 Nov 2023] - 238th Raid Tournament - 3* Rush Attack, No Holy/ Yellow

Finished with a score of 15016. Offense wins 19-6, defense wins at 9-0. I’m pretty confident of a top 1% spot now. For this tournament it really paid off to finally bite the bullet and 2LB all the usual suspects (Treevil, Faiez, Zarel). If the 3* tournament meta stays the same, then I would consider that as a good investment.


Wow thank you so much, that really helps! I won’t worry about falling out of the Top 1% then lol.

Alpha Aethers are definitely hard to get without spending a lot of money. I have used a ton on 3* heroes but have been working on 4’s more lately. Have Kitty, Bryn, and CB Sonya all LB2 now. I’ve been really lucky in my Aether Summons and Chests. Sitting on 3 now and want to LB2 Sharky but still don’t have enough regular Aethers to LB1 him yet lol. Have one 5* (Hippo) finally maxed and +19, but good God they take a lot of resources so I will probably stick to building 4* depth for now.

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I went 23-2. My defense dropped to B rank the last 3 days of the tourney. And I lost 2 attacks on day 3. Ether way I got top 100. I’ll see you the next 3* event.


I always thought it is a typo of dawn to fawn , but with several tjmes i realized that there is a new hero that i forgot his/her name :sweat_smile:

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O : 20-5 [3-3-4-5-5]
D : 10-1 [A-A-A-A-A]

Fun fact : eliminated on day 2 :roll_eyes:
It took me some time to find the right team to use on offense : Shrubbear LB2, Faiez LB1, Zarel LB1, Jouka LB1, Buster LB1.



Nice loot with the big aether


Final results:
O: 18-7
D: 8-2 (5xA)

The boards were really bad and I was eliminated on the third day with a score of 7-4. I decided that since team selection wasn’t helping me much anyway, I’d spend 75 gems and play mindless mono… effect? 11-3 :slight_smile:
In defense, however, I swapped Faiez and Joukahainen.


Main: top 5%

Defense “C”: Joukuhainen - Tree - Tree - Faiez - Greel
Unfortunately “C” because of no attacks, changed to “A” on last days.

Attack team: Tree, Tree/Balthazar, Greel, Faiez, Shrubbear

“Only” top5% this time, but really can’t complain with that loot. :smiley: Much better than my alt’s top1% loot.


Alt: top 1%

Defense “A”: cJahangir - cBelith - Tree - Dawn - Shrubbear

Attack team: Zarel - Tree - Maeve - Belith/cBelith - Shrubbear


Had fought with success with top6:


Second alt: top 5 %

Defense “A”: Noril - Buster - Maeve - Faiez - Waqas

Attack team: Maeve - Balthazar - Faiez = Helo - Noril

Tried some attacks with reds (Buster, Waqas), but with no success, so no more experiments :smiley:
No Shrubbear here, that was hard sometimes to face Trees.



Forgot to post yesterday. Last battle day went poorly at 2-3 including two zeroes. :face_with_spiral_eyes: But very happy I still finished in the top 1% in the end. Especially as I am not looking forward to next week since the majority of my best 5* are blue :upside_down_face:

O: 18-7
D: 8-1 (A all week)

And now the loot. EHT always appreciated especially with Christmas coming!

I expect to be out early next week, but will continue to enjoy reading how everyone is doing. Good luck!:crossed_swords::fire:


My 9yo daughter asked me to upload her screens, as she is happy with her top 5% result :+1:



Awww great work! Tell her she did amazing. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


That is great! So with all your family you have 4 accounts!?

My 7yo daughter also has an account but stuck at lv.12 and season1 province 12 stage8 … She always enjoy only raids among 300-500cups while having breakfast :sweat_smile:


Love that! My sons (13 and 9) both have low level accounts, but my 13 year old hasn’t logged on in at least a year. My 9 year old has also quit, but he farms for me in my account often since he likes having access to better heroes without having to do the work :wink::joy:

I also let him do Titan hits for me sometimes. He’d never get to hit a 14* otherwise :slightly_smiling_face:

I always enjoy hearing about other kids loving the game!


I am sorry to start this off-topic discussion :joy: , but just want to continue and mention that my daughter almost quit too few months ago … However, her school requested her to make a speech in speech festival, so i proposed her about idea “my favorite game” which is E&P (actually not true :joy: )

but it is easy for her to remember the script … We also printed a poster for her… So she talked about tile-matching, weak and strong elements , some of her favorite heores i have e.g. Aino and Freya (beauty gang)

After the presentation, seem like her interests come back and she played raids frequently ever since :laughing:


Yes, she has 1 account and I, as an addict, have 3 :smiley:

Haha :smiley: my daughter always hits Mythic Titan for me (as I don’t like it and she likes).


My daughter hit 1* titan this morning and she said her team all dead


I know we are off topic and I will stop after this. But I just have to reply to this! This is adorable and gave me the biggest smile :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

My son is obsessed with the animals. Waddles especially but also Barkley and Squire Wabbit. (Because those are the ones I have.)

To get back on topic, I think the next 3* tournament I will see if my son wants to enter. :slightly_smiling_face: I can help him develop his heroes by then. And he has alpha aethers because I log in for him for the portal. He will play once in a blue moon. Thanks to your daughter for the inspiration @Ei-Dunn!


That would be a great idea for you to help/tutor your son for the next 3* tourney! Looking forward to hearing the adorable story :kissing_heart:

Ps. My daughter also has 19 alpha aethers atm which may be forever never used


I have to say again that your daugter may be better than me, and we all know rush is very difficult … how to counter Tree if not having Faiez/Bear? And how to counter Faiez if not having Jouk? … so top5% for her is really really goood


I will always be saying that Balthazar is the best dispeller (for me) and counter to Shrub and Faiez.


Final results
Attack : 10-4 (343–)
Defense : 5-1 (AAAAA)
Score : 10,680
Ranking : 77,366 (Top 25%)

Not much to say other than Rush is a lottery as usual. Could have bought back in but wasn’t in the mood for chopping trees :sweat_smile:
Loot was nothing special.

Alt had the better tournament, finishing in the top 1% and better loot too.

3 5* tournaments in the next 4. Will be tough against all these new heroes. Gestalt will be especially tough next week. See you!