12 darts, Which yellow to max?

Here is my yellow team, which has a decent healer and a powerful minion summoner. Additionally, these are the other yellow characters I currently have prepared for leveling up.

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Created a poll for you

  • Jequn
  • Joon ( 3 costumes)
  • Guardian Gazelle (no costume)
0 voters

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Thank you very much!

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I’ve voted for Gazelle and Joon 3x costumes

With 12 darts you could choose to either

  • Ascend 2 heroes to 4/80 and limit break both to 4/85
  • Ascend 1 hero to 4/90 (LB2 heroes consume 7 darts…6 when ascending to 4/80 and 1 when ascending to 90)

I’d strongly recommend ascending Gazelle and also pick her costume from Visiting outfitter event coming up on 12th this month.


I would do gazelle and pick her costume from the visiting outfitter next week

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LOL are you serious? You have 4 maxed and LBed yellow healers and not a single damage hero???

You definitely don´t need Gazelle, not even with costume (although she may be the best hero)

And a toon is always going to be better than a 2 or 3 yeal orld hero.