1.12 - Discussion & Feedback

Pretty sure my hero capacity just DROPPED from 135 to 128. I’m level 44.

Also, I’m hungry. It takes a lot of food to keep tc19 going (at least until clothes run out). My food supply is substantially supplemented from raiding. My city is just about maxed. All farms are 20, watchtower is 20. Raiding is the only way to increase food income.


Nah, the replay button when you finish a map location (e.g… farming 8.7, you can’t hit replay. You’re forced to hit next and go through a couple of screens before farming 8.7 again). Anyway, seems this is just a bug so hopefully will be fixed soon.

Dropping cups is bad for the game. When players drop cups, they end up with unfair matches against weaker opponents. This is discouraging to those weaker opponents (often newbies) who then face the choice of valiantly attempting to maintain their cup level, or themselves choosing to drop cups.

Either way, when a significant chunk of the player base is dropping cups, the integrity of trophies as a measure of player strength is undermined. This is true not just for the players who drop cups, but also for those to whom they deliberately lose on the way down (they get an undeserved boost) and those from whom they steal food and iron when they are down there (they get an undeserved loss). On average this will all wash out, but for individual players the effect can be pretty brutal.

The impact of all this cup dropping is that players at a particular cup level are not evenly matched. Some have more cups than they should (so they’re weak), because they have beaten cup droppers. Some have fewer cups than they should (so they’re strong) either because they are themselves cup droppers, or because they’ve just been beaten up by a cup dropper. There is no natural equilibrium, which is what an Elo type system should generate when it is working properly.

This is why I think SG has radically reduced the farming incentive - because by reducing the food and iron you can loot by cup dropping, you reduce the likelihood that people will do it. I don’t think this eliminates the problem entirely, but I think it will make a big difference.

This is a pretty radical change, by the way. I think it should have been communicated better.


Had that happen. Quit and restarted the game and it came back in my case.

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You think it was discouraging to new players? As a player that started a week ago, im more discouraged now than i was before. Sure i faced stronger opponents but i could skip them and still be rewarded. Now its either throw away the ticket facing strong opponent as skipping is now viable anymore. And even if i get weaker enemy the rewards are less than i get from much easier world map battle.
So for a newbie this update killed raid battles as they arent worth the time to do them, except for a chest.


Brobb, alot of things come to mind, but I will stop at irony. No cheating or other bad things were happening other than strategy.

Now sg changes the system they set up. Same way as with mercing. The devs have to cut down this sort of farming as it has led to asset inflation. This is what has led to so many complaints of loot nerfing as they had to cut supply.

Problem is that the middle class is squeezed here. The old wizards will get higher level titans with higher loot, and the little guy you erite about will be left alone.

How do I get to build a team that will move me to platinum other than slowly? This move is a huge disincentive. I have assets to ascend 6 heroes to 4^70 or cut back a couple to max a 5*. But how in heaven’s name will I pay for levelling troops to help them?

This was very unfair to many.

As a possible fix, I would suggest they first look at mistakes made in AW matching and how they screwed that up before this new mechanic. If it works, maybe it can be adapted to raids.

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I disagree. In no way is a lower level player harmed when a higher level player raids food from their tower. Enough food is generated from farms at lower levels that there is very little to zero practical impact taking WT food. That’s the whole point in limiting raid loot to WT storage. Maybe those players should log in more often. Maybe they shouldn’t have built such high level WT at a low cup level. Cups still mean nothing today so who really cares where anybody is as far as # of cups. I got no better loot at diamond than I did at the bottom. I hang around 1800 cups these days. Usually food raids are decent and it’s easy to fill a raid chest and open it at platinum. The whole cup thing should be killed and redesigned from scratch. There’s nothing that can be tweaked to make them useful unless sgg wants to start handing out giant loot for diamond.


I agree, i believe this has had a negative impact on new players too…

Essentially the high levels of loot that was obtained through raiding in lower trophies ranges was raiding those players that were either inactive or logged in once or twice a day with a level watch tower… which means the same applies at Lower levels too…

For someone who recently started the game and was happy to invest in a few gems/promo offers to get a foot on the hero ladder, I was able to utilise this fact of inactive players to help boost my base/hero levelling without having to rely on the 5k food per hour I would otherwise have had to wait for from my farms…

So all in all I don’t believe trophy dropping damaged the game at all, unless it was being linked to other areas such as clan wars and titans…

Apologies for the epic post, but it would certainly seem that those people that haven’t got an issue with this change are indeed those people that have SH20 with max farms and WT… not those at SH10 trying to progress so that can join an alliance and feel valued as a member!




Radically reduced? It’s sad that the word radically doesn’t even do justice to what has been done here. There is no incentive. At the very least not one that’s worth getting even slightly excited about. The impact of this is being seen across the entire spectrum of players. Well, maybe not those at the absolute highest echelon, but pretty much everybody else on the way down the ladder. It was a drastic change, and I’m not sure it was completely thought out. Personally, I would have tried something a little more subtle first. Like take away the runaway button. Make it a little harder for someone to just auto lose. If that didn’t work, maybe something else… but I sure as heck wouldn’t have just dropped a nuke on raiding. What’s the point of it now?

Now I’ve been pretty vocal about this all day, mostly because I’m upset by it, but I did decide to at least give it a chance. Been raiding all afternoon. Still sucks. My team is at 3000 team power. First roll, 3600. Second roll, 3200. Okay, I’ll give this a shot. I lost. It was close, good match, but I lost. Did it upset me? No. Because the reward was only 3000 ham. Which means I would have only made about 1700. No big whoop.


Yeah this was dumb!

I get why you developers did this. It’s because you couldn’t handle the crying and whining from lower level players ■■■■■■■■ and moaning about Higher level players raiding their lower level towers. Yes it’s called raid bating, we set up a lower level defense and drop cups to be aligned with lower level players when we need resources to build. Now that we got this second builder option, there has been doubled amount of “Raid Baiting” action.

I figured out how people at lower levels were getting hit by higher level players. Instead of crying and complaining I just only upgraded my tower to the lowest allowable level to play the game. I wasn’t a target and nobody really bugged me unless they wanted cups.

It’s the cycle of life and developers, you guys just needed to leave it alone. Instead of giving into the weak complainers please try to hang on to those of us who have stuck it out with you for over a year. Let the noobs learn how to figure these tricks out for themselves.

So until I complete my massive building practice (finally maxed my farms, mills and iron storage) I will not be upgrading to the new version.

That’s right kiddies, if you thought that this upgrade was going to punish us “Raid Baiters and Cup Droppers” you are so wrong! Small Giant is going to have to force this new update on to all of us.

Until then clean your towers, I’m still looking for 40K or more till my construction is done.


I really think we should at least give this a week or so to balance out as you see players go up or down in trophies depending on what their needs are. After a week I want to see how much stronger or weaker the teams around my trophy are before I give my opinion on this update. I’ve always been raiding upwards against higher teams and do not go into the negatives trying to reroll all the time. Personally the change so far hasn’t effected the amount of loot I see when I raid. I remember the frustration as a new player of having all these high level people raiding around my trophy range so I understand where they’re coming from. Now I’m around 1800-2000 trophy range and still usually fight stronger teams. Give it a week and then come back and discuss.

Well you take that risk. I have a troop traing camp to upgrade and more food storage to upgrade.

Folks - not to burst anyone’s bubble but this has NOTHING to do with people complaining and everything to do with slowing down the environment.

From another thread here @Fleshpeeler2000 mentioned he was getting a million hams a day raiding because he could get 50-90k per target and buy a few raid flasks. Nine level 20 farms gives 1.144 million ham in a 24 hour period. The devs probably looked at the rate people at and near the top were leveling heroes and “no that’s too fast for what we want he environment to be” and just didn’t want people to get the same amount of ham per day from raiding as all fully leveled farms produced.

That in conjunction with the mercing nerf was a way of slowing things down at the top.


You mean to tell me after there are like the top 200 players who have long maxed out their stash, have all the best characters and just now they realize the environment is moving a bit fast, seriously? After a year?

Dude, NO. In fact there is a season two coming very soon. Slowing down the environment is the least of the developers concerns.

Now take a good look at the millions of pages in “RAIDS ARE TOO UNFAIR” thread and you might get a clue for yourself why cup dropping has been addressed.

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Didn’t read the full thread so my apologies if I am repeating things.

Loot Tickets: dumb, every other game has the ability to skip monotonous content that isn’t limited in such a fashion. Figure out a way to get everything auto-skipped rather than singleton wins, doesn’t compute.

Reduction of ham/iron in raid tiers: sigh. Would it have been so hard to just buff the higher tiers than nerf all of it? Hurts me less than most given I’ve long since maxed farms with high level watchtower but doesn’t really compute and slows down both hero and troop progression to say nothing of other ham using requirements.

Rest: quality update.

ETA: fully support their addressing cup dropping, I just don’t agree with how they went about doing it.


Dante, slowing things at the top is soooo much a case of closing the barn door after the hotm is gone.i

Should I blame JimMe for posting a vid that the devs watched in horror?

This has hit those with far lower team scores and trophies than it has you and your alliance mates. We below are now stuck on a very slow track chasing the 4000+ teams.

I weep for you all.

Devs flat screwed the pooch here


Rev!!! Preach it my man!!!

Holy cow bells I am in love with your face right now

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I updated as soon as it came out. More interested in seeing the alliance war changes and rare titans. Again, no change for me in regards to raids.

Well now there’s going to be a million pages in the “Raid are freaking useless” thread. So… good job people!


Revelate, the nod you gave to those at lower tiets is appreciated…but…what is up with buffing higher tiers?

I look through the top 100 alliances and see alot of players with def teams placing them in top third of their alliance that are in bottom of alliance cup-wise. Are they bad at the game or cup dropping. If you buffed diamond tier, would that stop?