⚔ [09 Jun, 2024] - 268th Raid Tournament - 5* Rush Attack, No Blue/ Ice

Attack: 22-3
Defense: A, might have fallen to B one day, dunno.

Defense: Phenexa - C-Diaochan - Toon Elena - Guardian Elephant - Darkfeather.

Rare occasion where I didn’t fell out of Rush RT before spending all my attacks. C-Diaochan works wonders with Master Talents as her meaty minions steal buffs such as Taunt or Mena’s ball attacks and use them against enemies.

Seems I’ll end in Top 1% (currently rank 566) so I am looking forward my Scabbard and 3* Aethers tomorrow.

Do you recommend maxing Uwe? I am thinking about my next purple project (no Tomes but will hopefully get them eventually, but Hammerclang, Firmin Richard and Daroga have priority) and have C-Diaochan and Darkfeather for regular modes, would like to have slow 5* no-Taunter purple.


Uwe saved me a few times this tournament. The long softskin protection and monster damage was key to knocking out toons early


Final Results
Attack: 20-5 (44444)
Defense: 10-7 (BAAAB)
Score: 23,366
Ranking: 2,802 (Top 1%)
33-tournament moving average: 621-152 (80.3%)

Attack overachieved in the first 5* tournament with Legendary Troops allowed. Greatly overmatched in terms of TP, but Rush was a great equaliser. Uwe was the tournament’s revelation. Attacking mainly with a passive double taunter, reviver + healer team, it was fun watching him take out defenders even without the chaining. Of course, damage from Darkfeather’s SS buff helped soften them first.

On the defense side, a loss on the last day dropped it back to B, but no complaints here either. Ludwig, even with just LB1, is still good enough.

Loot was ok with EHT, ETT, and Reset Emblem.

4* Bloody with no colour limitations next week. First time to try Greg out in defense. See you!


Depends on your roster of course, but he’s a strong hero in Rush and probably will be in Towers too. You can watch the videos I posted and see the damage he does, with just Darkfeather’s Growth. He was hitting 2000-3000 against new heroes with LT. With more attack buffs or def down on the enemies, I can imagine the havoc he will cause.

The softskin also makes him good against Luna (if you can fire him first of course). In the last match of the tournament, he almost single-handedly won it by resisting the mana cut repeatedly.


He is strong and works very well with heroes wich lowers max HP such as Garten or Smarttongue

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Main: top 25%

Defense “E”: Kemény - Toxicandra - Neema - Treevil - c2 Li Xiu
Attack: Tree - Franz - Kemény - Khepri - Rigard
or yellows

I put wrong costume and there should be tLi Xiu (she had monk legendary troop), but not sure if it would change anything… (Why I forgot about Franz? :thinking: )
Both defense and attacks were total disaster :cry: :roll_eyes: and I barely did PoG task with killing 25 heroes…


Alt: top 5%

Defense “A”: Gilligan - c2 Colen - tBT - Augustus - cKhagan
Attack: tBT - Gilligan - c2 Colen - cKhagan - Augustus
Gilligan - cJustice - cHuTao - Zarel - Augustus

It was a pleasure to play with Gilligan charging every turn :wink:


Second alt: top 1%

Defense “A”: Caitlin - Shacklebolt - tBT - Franz - Cupido
Attack: Rigard - Shacklebolt - Cupido - tBT - cGormek

It’s sad, that having luck pulling here 2 good heroes (Shacklebolt and Cupido) at LB2+25 with Legendary Troop, I didn’t even have to try hard… Wish I had them on my main account. I feel frustrated that as FTP player, I’ll never be able to play at the highest level.



Defenses of the top 10 finishers


Well, I guess the era of Alfrike’s dominance as my tank has definitely come to an end. Outside of the first day, the defense had a C grade.