⚔ [07 Jun, 2020] - 59th Raid Tournament - 5*, Rush Attack & No Fire/ Red

Wich one would you fear and reroll most, guys?:thinking::thinking::thinking:


#1 for these reasons
Kingston as a fighter revives with high consistency
Vela is a beoch even w/o red
And Jabberwocky is fierce
Rush attax you have good HoT with Alby and telly and devenct Mana boost with Alby
That’s my opinion


Definitely Telluria/Heimdall showfest (as if that wasn’t the case in most instances). Anyway, I’m trying to figure out, who to pick - on tank and the rest.

I’m taking Kunchen +11 / Isarnia +9 , I’m not sure about Kunchen as a tank though.Rest of the team I should probably pick from: Zeline +2, Cadilen +2, Justice +2, Vivica +1. Also have Richard +2, Freya +2, unemblemed Horghall / Quintus. No costumes. And maybe Brynhild +14 on flank? Argh. No clue…

I can see… dead piteq:wink:



I personally like lax attax and relaxed ATTACKS


I think #1. Just can’t keep up with the cleansing / healing. If I actually survive long enough to fight a top flight defense I think I’d actually LOVE seeing #3, as I can stack green / yellow and try to benefit from the rush / Ariel’s buff with Onatel. I don’t think I’d have a great chance but it’s at least an aspect that might be exploitable.


Nature might be, no wait, IS my weakest element.
Please help me out here with some advice that can give me a chance at a B/C grade.
Here’s my mono green:

And here are my other elemental choices: Screenshot_20200607-100853
Edit I have Proteus @ +16 if that makes any difference with my dark choices
This is what I’ve chosen:
Any suggestions at all will be significantly appreciated


I’d also love to see multiple color restriction Tournaments. Remove dark/holy, or fire/ holy etc etc


Annotation 2020-06-07 174957
I mean… Why not?!..


unfortunately telly is not maxed, give this a try


LJ is a mainstay for Rush attack @Lexxtarc, I look forward to the mono green MN, Kingston, Yunan, Telly, Alberich teams…like a hole in the head :joy:

P.S I completely left out the newly buffed ATOMOS along with Heimdall.
Frigging the new and improved Atomos has been a PITA for me in Raids, at least initially. Can’t imagine Telly, Atomos, Heim, alberich, MN…this is going to be a car wreck, at least for me :joy::rofl:


I’m going to run with this:


Hatter: “So, I see you buffed your way out of Telly… thank you, I’ll take those! Also, say hello to my Little friend!”

I know that taking Lianna on a Rush Attack seems a little less useful, but at her emblem level, she just hits too hard to leave behind. :slight_smile: And her defense is stronger than Little John, so she protects him off in his corner.

Ursena: “Peekaboo!”

Good gaming!


Yeah, @Fizban exactly the team I REALLY look forward to meeting? :joy:

Good Luck my friend!! I was think along the lines of this, although may swap Justice for LJ


Oh LOOK, it’s ALL of my nightmares wrapped up in one team :joy::joy:. Ugh @zakyus, I’ll just hope I don’t run into you.

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@ApollosEmpire, I’d Simply flank Telly with Seshat and Joon? This leaves Alby left wing and Atomos Right. See above as it’s close to how I went although considering swapping Justice for LJ

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Of course Telluria tank seems to be off the top of everyone’s head, but it seems people forgot now that there’s no red, Vela’s role becomes less significant.

Telluria is troublesome because of her mana downer and her average speed, and this very fast tourney gives every cleanser and dispeller a level playing field right? So you don’t need to rely heavily on the likes of Grazul and Malosi.

In fact, ironically, even though this is a very fast tourney, the chance of Telluria’s buying time for her DoT and AoE allies is reduced.

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@Yayo, good to see you again man. I’d go with one. As hard as it is for me to bench Ariel that top team isn’t looking to be fun for anyone. I think Ariel is a bit too much healing and less killing. Plus with the lack of red everyone is bringing nature. Vela is the only stand out soft spot in that D but if she fires it won’t be inconsequential.

So unless you have maybe Onatel hidden in that roster of yours, and as hard as it is too bench Kingston…unless you go all green except for Jabberwocky??
Normally I’m against mono defenses but Telluria with Alberich/MN/Heimdall/now even Atomos/Kingston make it likely on of the more formidable Defenses for mono.

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Taking this

should i use my Vela ? I discarted her because no red around and opted for some mana control with li xiu and LJ

This is going to be a nightmare. I might only get 4 attacks in this week.
Telluria at Very Fast - uber OP.
Good luck to all.

LOL - Yeah might want to use your leveled and Emblemed Telluria. I actually went up against a defense TWICE in the last Raid tourney that inserted a 1:1 costumed Skittleskull in defense. Won them both on my way to a top 600 finish.

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