Zagrog or Russell?


I finally have enough material to ascend one red 5*!
I have one Russell and Zagrog. Which one would you prioritize?
They seem equivalent to me…

If it can be of any help, this is my attack team:

  • costumed Victor
  • Francine - > I’ll change her to costumed Francine, when I’ll have enough material…
  • costumed Alberich
  • Anastasia - > soon replaced by Joon, whzn i’ll finish to max him
  • Ferant - > will be replaced by Zagrog or Russel when fully maxed

Thanks for your help!

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Russel would work best if you have other fast burners like JF or gravey, or emilio. If you can combo with them then id vote for russel.

  • Zagrog
  • Russell

0 voters



Russell needs another burner to truly shine. Zagrog doesnt need(and wont really accept) any help to do what he does. Maybe a wilbur/g. Falcon for def down. I maxed russell but dont use him very often because he also needs heavy embleming.


I have both Russell and Zagrog. currently I use Russell more ofter because I have GM to pair him with. I agree with @e-man and @C.Occam that Russell by his own will not shine. I won’t replace Ferant with a single Russell, unless its against C.Kadilen,hanitra,or Margareth

Zagrog will shine against a lot of defense who use counterattack, or tank with defense up buff. Zagrog can shine brighter if you combine him with defense down heroes, since he resist attack buff.


Thanks for all your aswers! Zagrog it is then :slight_smile:

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I have both, Russell 3/70, 3x Zagrog 1/1 and wouldn’t suggest anyone, and my only other red 5* are c Santa and c Khagan

I don’t like zagrog. I think he is a middle of the road for hero… i really hate his passive… As long as it takes to get 4* mats… I’d hold off.