You're odds for quest are b.s

You literally are making this game garbage with making it pay for play. And even at that, your algorithms are complete b.s. when tiles are stacked against players against the game. Stop feeding us GARBAGE and actually get back to better odds and game play. Quit your b.s. of screwing over players!


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Hey there, welcome to the forums and thanks for your positive contribution :wink:

I rather suspect this will be merged into one of the myriad other similar threads already extant.

As a side note,

We literally are doing nothing of the sort as we are all just fellow players. SG/Zynga’s presence on these forums is basically nonexistant.


Are you on about Covenant Quest and struggling with winning?
I feel like they got better actually compared to how they originally were. For the past 4 or so, I haven’t needed to use any extra flasks or failed. Or maybe this is due to me having better heroes, not sure.

No, the tiles on many things have become irrelevant to competing with game play. To fight back has become crazy. I can stack same colors or rainbow, and literally get three tiles off every 4 to 5 plays. This seems to be happening more often than before. The only way to fight is to use additional resources i.e. axes, harpoon, etc. It use to be less paying for building up players too.

This is a side-effect of the exponential power creep we have been witnessing over the last year or so. The more high-powered your opponent is the less likely you have time to make the tile matches you need. And by high-powered I generally mean the uber-passives that get you right from the beginning of the match. But realistically this game has leaned towards pay to play since day one. The lean is just becoming overly precarious.

Frankly, I think you are lucky to be lasting for 4 to 5 plays these days.