You won't complete Path of Valor #1 (Probably) Analysis, Complaining, and Suggestion

Why does everything have to cater to everyone? Some stuff is for new players some stuff is for advanced. Any mmo has functioned with these model for decades why is everyone acting like this is new?


It doesn’t; but I mean these arguments you’re making could be made for virtually anything. For nerfing JF, heck, for Atomos and Mok-Arr. Why does Atomos and Mok-Arr have to cater to everyone?

I mean I’m really repeating myself here, I am not saying POV needs to be completable by everyone. I am not saying it needs to cater to everyone. I am saying the effort-to-reward ratio should be in line and balanced with every other feature in the game.

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While I’d love to munch popcorn and read the complaints, I have other things I’d rather do. Playing Don’t Starve comes to mind. I’ve got a pretty developed base by now.

All I’m going to say is that this isn’t my first rodeo with daily quests, but at least that time it was World of Warcraft, and there were no microtransactions at the time.

I knew this was a joke from the moment I heard it, and I agree with the general consensus of “unless SGG rethinks this, this is going to take a sharp nosedive.”

Maybe they will. But I’m not gonna bet the farm on it. When given the choice between doing what’s greedy and doing what’s “right,” SGG has already shown their preference. This feels a bit like tourney reward adjustment all over again.

To me, POV is first and foremost another icon to occupy space on the screen. Secondly, it’s something to do, but definitely nothing to strive for. The rewards are too cheap for that (I’m f2p). The only interesting stuff there for me are the gems and tokens (I don’t need a 23rd set of rings).

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How should it look like to be “evenly distributed”?

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There are a countless number of ways to do that.

But it doesn’t even necessarily have to be evenly distributed. It’s just that IF the designers want to have the rewards lopsided like that, i think the inherent risk involved should be calculated in to the rewards; i.e the rewards should be bigger because of that fact.

In fact, if I were given complete control over how POV is designed, I would like it to work as how @DoctorStrange, @Guvnor and @Rook sees it:

I am actually in complete agreement with their statements there. If I had free reign, I want POV to be a mega-challenge that is a loyalty system with great rewards that will give active players who enjoy playing the game something to look forward to each day.

I think the key here, is rewards that will give these players something to really look forward to at the end.

So if I had free reign, I would want to design POV to be extremely tough, but give the best rewards out of all of the features in the game, if you were dedicated enough to complete it.

And I don’t feel this is a “sense of entitlement”, because I’m even willing to Lower the rewards for other tasks to keep things balanced.

I just feel such an “epic quest, 50 days long”, as one of the exciting new features of the decade, should, you know, give people a lot more to hope and dream and be excited about. I think about other games and movies and epic stories and poems; in which story do you see the hero get a lame reward after their most epic trial? The biggest, baddest, most challenging thing is always the most rewarding. That’s what I envision a good POV to be. Super challenging, super rewarding.


Can you give an example? So far it is too abstract: “the game can be better”.

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We would need some parameters here, otherwise it is far too open. What assumptions are we making here? Do we want the rewards to be roughly equal to what it is now? Do we want it so that there is no RNG involved? Etc.

Cuz one simple solution could be to make every reward tier like opening a wanted chest, with the percentage for rewards tweaked to 1/50th of the total value of the POV, on average. Just as an example. Again, not the only possibility or even the possibility I think is the best, just the most simple, given no clear parameters.

Everyone complaining about the challenge part not the rewards so much. Most of the complaints are length of time, unfair to small alliances, unable to complete challenges, upset about having to do dailys. A few small few are complaining about the loot.

I did the math for this in another thread, and as long as you can get to tier 20, you’ve already recouped your $10 investment for the Valor pass:

Also FWIW, I’m definitely not finishing POV (only been playing for a month), but I still paid for the Valor pass once I crunched the number above. Currently at tier 27 so already recouped the $10 and then some. As long as I can make it to tier 34 (blade + cape) I’m happy. As a stretch goal I’m gonna try to hit tier 48 for 80 barbarian emblems, but that’s just that, a stretch goal. Not gonna throw a fit if I don’t hit that goal.

I actually like POV in that it’s pretty well balanced and gives even month old beginners like me a chance at getting some 3* ascension mats. Since the devs also need to cater to the existing player base, there will obviously be some challenges I won’t be able to complete (most notably the challenge events. I barely slogged through Avalon’s 3* tier). But just like pretty much every aspect of this game, seniority in this game is king, and I just try to enjoy the journey.


It’s a balancing scale. No one would be complaining about the difficulty if you can get a guaranteed Ursena at POV 20. I would be fine if POV is easier too. That would make the reward to effort ratio balanced. It’s not what I would do if I was a game designer, but I do think that’s fair.

edit: @rho other than for the biggest spenders, I don’t think you can value it that generously. I don’t see any use for raid flasks at all, other than to occasionally help speed up your raid chest by 2 hours. That’s worth like 3 or 4 gems, max. I also wouldn’t value ETT at all; i can get them for free from recruits II quite regularly. Unless I’m a huge whale looking to max my troops, ETTs are not that valuable.

Same with WE flasks. Unless you’re a huge whale looking to place at the very top of challenge events, or you’re a huge whale and can spend extra money to farm a little bit of extra exp/items during AR, WE is not worth 100 gems at all.

To me, PoV is ok, basically it is a way to get additional resources for what we usually do daily or weekly…

About rewards, if u get the pass you at the end could get

5 World Flasks (useful for AR)
550 gems
11 Blue trainers heroes (*1 to *4)
300 Atlantis coins (that means 3 pulls = 900 gems)
2 Raid Flasks
30 Challenge coins (3 more pulls = 780 gems)
110 Barbarian Emblems
1 Blade & Rings
1 Cape & Scope

Plus some iron, food, craft and battle items. Just basically for doing the same we already do every day or week… Only hunting those c…y ducks and crafting some stuff are not usual activities… I really have not needed to do something different to complete PoV tasks… So there is no additional effort for this…

Of course it is not designed to be completed for all players, as not all players are able to complete Epic or Legendary tiers on monthly events, the last stage on Rare Quests, the last stage on emblems quests, hard mode on S2. This is why this game requires patience… we all started with Bane as our strongest hero… some players are more dedicated to game, others are not…

Personally I like PoV, of course it would be nice to have better rewards but at least I appreciate it is a new way to get more resources for doing nothing beyond what I regularly do…


Point taken, but I was simply trying to assign a gem value to the rewards to see where I would break even. If you took away the ETT and WE/raid flasks, it’s still 1760 gems in value up to tier 20, or $8.80 USD in real world money. Still not a bad value proposition, especially if any of the other rewards along the way (iron/food bundles, trainer heroes etc) are of any use to you.


I’m what some may class as a high level player, coming up to 2 years in game but I’m vvvc2p. I haven’t bought the valor pass and see it as a nice to do not a must do. So far I’ve failed to complete 2 daily challenges as I had no items to craft super mana potions. Do I let it bother me? No I dont. Since day 1 of this game it’s been a challenge, if you fail 1st time you try again.

My advice is dont buy the pass based on what you could win, either buy the pass at the end if you are happy with what you will get or accept that the pass may not deliver it’s full potential.

This game is a long grind and players should expect to grow slowly and achieve more each month. If it was easy it wouldn’t be fun and every challenge in the game is tailored to be too difficult until you are strong enough.

Anyone who wants a quick win in this game and expects to do be able to do it all in 6 months should just quit now


WE flask is worth about 30 backpacks in AR, though. Probably not 100 gems, obviously…

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If your dad is Jordan Peterson


I agree the part you suggested that daily challenges should worth 150 points.

The rest was just a fun read, not something devs would care about :slight_smile:

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I have no problem with event challanges path quest or even tournament one

What i dont like to do is that they want to decide what should i Craft in the forge . I decide where i spent my hamm in. So its a little of stuborness or wherever that spells . I havent investigate yet the super mana potion because i have been using my hamm in other things that i consider more important .

So if i jump most of forge quest i dont know how far i Will go. Im getting to 26 step nowadays.

I think next time this PoV comes, I check for 48 days how high in tiers I can manage and then bought the pass, if I see it profitable. Looks like tournaments and titans comes difficult to pass. Maybe I need continue with gems few raid tournament.

In our alliance went crazy when Valor started, we pushed titans too big and we had to let 3-5 escape allready.

PoV is fine the way it is, no need to change. It’s called Path of Valor for a reason, you have to earn your rewards. And yes; farming, raiding, hitting titans, taking part in war I hate to tell you are NORMAL aspects of this game. Just logging in when you feel like it doesn’t cut it, if you want to be lazy then don’t cry to the people who are actually enjoying the extra challenge. And this is coming from a father of three who works a full time job as well as takes part in volunteer work and still has a social life.