Worst Update Empires and Puzzles has released v30 #nospend

Haha! Love your picture!

This was just a joke, hence the very long annoying hashtag :wink:

I agree with you. I have been playing this game since August 2017. I think the chests are getting ridiculous. On the other hand, all the offers to spend money have exploded. We reduce the heroes (Télluria, vela) and behind we leave more powerful heroes (whose acquisition often rhymes with purchase). Free invocations are sadly poor in interesting results. We have seen a lot of improvement (emblem, new summoning piece and costume key (valala, event, ninja, etc …). In short, a lot of new things, but only to spend money and enrich the creators of this game.
I understand that you have to earn money to live. But we also have to find a balance between the goat (players) and the cabbage (creator of the game). I understand that the goat should not eat all the cabbage, but we must understand that he cannot let the goat die. So profits, yes. But with a little more satisfaction and consideration for those who gamble, who spend the money. The lumberjack is always careful not to saw the branch on which he is sitting.


Yeah. And that is pretty hypocrite of them, calling the people to stop spending yet they themselves are doing the opposite of what they preach.




This was never replied to huh?

If only Rigs was still around. Two years ago, June 2020, we were arguing about Hero Academy being useless with those tiny odds. I said it wasn’t. Proof post #204


And exactly 2 years later :

I’m not complaining Rigs.


Good job, it only took 2 years but you proved him wrong… :slight_smile:


I’m a very patient guy.


Jeez, you know how to hold a grudge. I’ll be sure never to get on your bad side. :sweat_smile:

Congrats on Hel!