Why I can't participate in the war?

The subscription option does not appear

When did you join the alliance? If matchmaking already started at the moment you joined you will not be able to participate in this one.

Matchmaking takes up to 3hrs. Just be patient

Alliance wars has disapled due to an issue and not back yet.
But also,
Whats your level?
If you are less than 12 you eont be able to play in war.
When did you joined the Alliance? If you joined during prepartion period you wont ve able to join.

The alliance wars are back up and alliances have been matched.

Not yet matched

Still matching

I have been a member of the alliance for a long time … I have not participated in any war before because of this bug

I’m having the same problem. Everyone has told me to check the participate box but there isn’t a box there to check and it has shown the matching bar like the one in your photo multiple times. It’s really h frustrating


Having the same issue. Really frustrating. Hope they fix it soon.

the same problem has already passed five warriors and there is no training

whether there will be compensation for idle time, they do not respond to the letter of support

Same here. Clan mate is level 17 and member since ar least two weeks, but was never able to join any AW. Please fix!

I have the same problem.
Clue: First time I join the AW, there is a participate checkbox, I unchecked it because I was not ready at that time. After that, the “participate checkbox” never shows again. I can’t participate AW for many weeks. The only think I can see under the WAR section is “Next war starts soon”, nothing else.


I have the same issue. Does anyone know anything about a tutorial for alliance wars? I saw it mentioned in the help section.

Та же проблема. Как только начал играть - отключил войну. Теперь галочку на включение увы нет. Ждем решения разработчиков.

I keep getting this but no button for me to click to add anyone to my defense team does anyone have any idea how to fix this

The same for Alee from TITANES DE ESPAÑA 1.

I can’t play war either can someone please help me out I never get a box to check

Smotpoker, in the spoonlunker alliance, is having the same issue. I looked for the option to join the war during the last war and the whole time after up to this war and I was never given a check box. Please fix this glitch

Another account of mine, who is in the war, always has this option. In other words, he is able to stop participating at almost, if not any, time. So, only people who are not in the war don’t have the option to participate.