Who to ascend (purple 5*)?

I just noticed that I have every single purple hero you can get normally, all from TC20:

I ascended Sartana to max. but now I have 5 tabards again. Should I ascend one of them or wait for a second Sartana or a lucky event 5*?

I just like to hear some opinions on Obakan, Domitia from people who are using them. :slight_smile:

Cheers NoX

Since you donā€˜t have a 5* dispeller I would go with Domitia maybe

If I were in you (already having Sartana at 4rd ascension) Id just wait new heroes with season 2.

I donā€™t have Domitia but I think that having a Yellow shield on a purple dispeller could be handy.
For Obakan: he makes me win many Wars attacks by exploiting the AI. He is a Kamikaze.

The HOTM for September is a nice looking dark hero. May want to wait to see if you can get that one.


Iā€™m in a similar situation. I had been holding off until after I had another chance at Panther, but since Panther didnā€™t arrive, Iā€™m now working on Domitia. Iā€™m probably not going to give her tabards until I see the final HotM design. She does look good currently in beta.

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What role would she have?

I wish I could pull a 5* purpleā€¦I have Obakan but would really like Domitia or Sartana.

HOTM donā€™t like me, havenā€™t pulled one since my first month (Natalya). I am a low to mid level spender so I do make pulls.

Looks pretty damn good^^

See comment by Rook below.


Wow, this were the HOTM? :open_mouth:
Not bad! With a similar effect I could easily put her in a tankā€™s spot and making my Gravemaker change form a flamethrower to a nuke :rofl:

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Attack buffs doesnā€™t change damage-over-time, so Khiona would only improve GMā€™s modest initial damage and his tile damage. Khionaā€™s buff on Lianna would be super powerful. Put Gregorion on the other side and blue titans are going to be turned into sushi.

I know Mr. but with 727 ATK+

  • 5% ATK from self buff
  • 45% ATK from Khiona
  • 20% ATK from further hits
    • how many times could it srack BTW?
  • Troopā€™s ATK buff

Even a ā€œmereā€ 3 target very fast special will drill holes :man_shrugging:
How fast (and how many targret will be affected) the damage is delivered is also a key, Lianna is good and all but how will she benefit from overkills?

Lianna doesnā€™t one shot

Also if youā€™re raiding with her, her special does only round 700 to a maxxed 5 star

You may not have heard, but SG specifically requested no pics or videos be released from the current Beta, and that those who leak such images may be kicked from the Beta program. Please honor this request.


Around 1200 damage VS 700 defense targets with Boldtuskā€™s ATK buff, without taking troops into account. For this reason I believe that for raids enhancing her damage further than average damage received from tiles + 1 special usage could not be the best choice for snipers when you could have more impact with AoE heroes.

The hero that were posted here above is like a damaging 5* Brienne, her damage buff stack when hitted (overcoming Boldtuskā€™s +48% ATK easily) but only on herself and sides, so putting a single target sniper could not be the most effective strategy.

I donā€™t claim that Lianna perform oneshot on 5* heroes but sure she overkills a lot and AI doesnā€™t always target heroes who will die for some points but also target heroes with few HP left.

Iā€™ve never seen a lianna one shot me on defence even with ares or bt

I donā€™t think this will be overkill for anyone, marjana sartana or even magni would benefit a lot from this

Well, this could vary from raid to raid but to me putting a sniper near that buff could be worse than putting an AoE striker, like I think that to achieve the maximum effect for Ares is to place Musashi near him instead of Joon :man_shrugging:

Yes musashi gravemaker and Bruce lee would be better, but snipers will still be useful

Oh well sorry then. I thought it was only about season 2 pictures that were not allowed


ā€œAny Beta contentā€¦ā€ :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for your help! I think I wait for Season 2 and decide from there what I do.
Maybe Iā€™ll post here again with my updated rooster.