Who do I level? Best defence team & best offense?

I’m still fairly new to the game and I am having a hard time figuring out how to place my defence and the best offense. I will level up to max any hero bases on recommendations!
Please help me by listing players in order from left to right of who you’d use for offense/who you’d use for defense.
Who would you feed to others?

Lastly, I have the WORST luck with 5* pulls… Obekan, Quintus, and today- Sartana :frowning:

First of all: Don´t worry about that 5 star heroes are the least important of them all in the beginning of the game where you are. Ignore them all, no matter if they are good or bad. By the time you are ready to think about 5 star heroes, you will have better ones anyway :slight_smile:

Focus on your 3 star heroes first. Max 4 or 5 in each color. When you get the materials you max a 4star you can throw one of those in as well, as you have already done.

No matter which hero you choose, max it! Stop wasting materials on half upgrading heroes! Max one, then move on to the next. If you don´t have materials, max a 3 star!

There is not much point talking about teams while you have no heroes maxed at all, just use whoever is upgraded highest for now on defense and on offense stack the strong color against the tank (using 3 or 4 heroes of that colour and a healer in another colour)

AS to which heroes to work on: First the ones that are close to maxing: Orla, LiXiu, Poppy, Zarola, Boril, Ulmer, Jarif

Would help to see the rest of your 3 stars, but some that are most certainly worth maxing: Yao, Helo, Fianna, Planchet. But also the others are useful, especially when you don´t have lots of them yet.

4 stars worth maxing when you have mats for them: Ferant, Proteus, Hansel, Cillian, D´Andre. Grimm and Tiburtus are good because of the defdown (and because they have costume bonus). Also all the S1 healers (especially if you have their costumes), Wu Kong is great for titans. But as I said, only work on them if you have the mats.


Thank you. I thought to stop with the 3 stars when I got a better player on work on that one. That’s why they are mostly at “half mast” lol.

I will keep working on maxing out those that are closest!

I had a bunch of gems and just did a 10x tower pull- that’s where Sartana, and all the others with little to no leveling came from. There are a few more not pictured, but duplicates of above.

The best places for a newer player to spend their hard earned gems are the “Black Friday” & “Solstice” portals where they’re are many good hero cards from different families but no Season 1 heros.
Good luck, have fun snd
May the portals show you kindness

3 stars are not at all replaceable, you need them for both tourneys and events. Those are places where you can generate the materials you need fr the bigger heroes. Some of them can even compete in 4 star world and a few (especially titan specialists) can compete even with 5star heroes.
So keep working on those as Nr. 1 priority for now.

4star heroes are going to be the backbone of your roster for a very long time, you can not only use them in the tourneys and events, but you can use them to complete all parts of the game. Also you will have much faster the ability to build 6 war teams, than if you tried to do that with 5 star heroes. You can easily play this game for a year or more and never need a 5er.

D’Andre is a great hero for newer players - mana boost is a powerful and fun ability.

He also gets a significant boost during Challenge Festival I and II. Middle difficulty doesn’t allow 5* heroes, so a good 4* is evergreen for these events.

Finally, he’s a paladin healer, which are rare, and great for paladin class trials. I still use him in paladin/ranger trials.

Thank you for that info! I really appreciate it. My son tries to do all my summons asap and takes the phone to do them! Ugh. I’ve been hiding them from him. :slight_smile:

I’ve gotten to a point where I need the materials to limit break most of my heroes. I found if you run 2 trainings at extra low cost constantly and switch the other between uncommon and fast- waiting til you have 5 of one color to level a hero, they level up FAST! I havent run into an issue with ascension materials, but definitely limit break. Any ideas for getting those?

Edit to add: since there isn’t much space in my roster, if a hero is already 8/8 on ability I’ll feed them whomever. It’s those I need to level the ability that I feed in sets of 5.

How many heroes should you keep in your roster? It’s hard when there are so many 3 stars and your limit is 65- right now I have 52 locked.

Investing a few gems into more roster space is more than worth it :slight_smile:

Thank you! I didn’t know you could do that!!! I’ve got a fair number of gems right now. :slight_smile:


Either you go to the shop or you try to collect heroes when the roster is full and follow the link you get there.


I now have space for 75.

would you use your seasonal summon tokens or save em up?

Use them during a seasonal portal, which one you need to decide by which heroes you would like best. If you don´t summon a lot, I would mainly look at the 4 star heroes in the portals as you have a more realistic chance to get those.

Thank you Gargon.

I have no idea who the good ones are! I’ve seen a lot of Christmas guys… I don’t like the summer summon right now- the few I have done have only given 3 :star: heros- the same 3 multiple times.

I’m wondering how much of it is bad luck, and how much is related to my low level team?

It is all 100% luck and has 0% to do with your team :slight_smile:

If you don´t spend money you will get very few 5 star heroes and with very few I mean you will go for months with none at all. 4 stars will come every now and then, just look at the odds in the portals. if you see you have a 5% chance to get a 4star hero it means you have to spend on average 20 summoning coins to get 1 of the 4 star heroes, which also means the other 19 will be 3 star heroes and out of those most will be S1. However if you get lucky and get an event 3 star you will often get the same one multiple times because there only are 1 or 2 of those in the portal. At least the seasonal portals have very few 3 and 4 star heroes, which then increases to get the chance for this specific hero. That also means once you have those heroes, there is not much point summoning further. Instead save you tokens for other seasonal portal where you don´t have the 3 and 4 star heroes,

I personally think the summer heroes are neither the best nor the worst. That red 4 star is really quite a good hero for someone who doesn´t have a lot. But also Kalevala which will be coming up next has good heroes for you: Joukahainen (blue 3 star) and Mielikki (green 4 star) are quite good heroes.
Christmas has very good 5 star heroes, but the 3 and 4 stars are not especially good. Buddy is decent I guess, but not sure he´s worth saving tokens for.

Thanks for this! I thought if I get up to like 50 tokens, then my chances increase exponential for getting a good pull.

Gefjon was a selection from the 100 summons. I will choose Loki next! I’m super excited for him. :slight_smile:

I’m also very excited since I pulled colen and his costumes from the summon. . . I e a lot more in my roster now. I bought a bunch of space! (Now that I know you can, I don’t feel the need to feed a bunch of 3 stars to my 4’s

  • edit to add photos of current roster!