Which 5 star yellow do I level?

Hey y’all!
I could really use some help. This is the first time I’ve had enough 5 star heroes to not be sure where to start! I am finishing up D’andre now, and LiXiu is fully leveled, fully emblemed, LB…

Which yellow do I max next?

C. Thor



Any insight as to why would be wholly welcome!

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  • C Thor
  • Akkorog
  • Leonidas
0 voters

Leo without costume a no. Akkorog is decent. C Thor is the winner of the three


None of the above, wait for better.


In The Netherlands we call that ‘doodgaan met de folder in je hand’ i hope that can be translated as ‘dying with the prospectus in your hand’

Deal with what you have not waiting for maybe better to come. Ultimately if you were me you would be pushing Jove right after you fully raised one of the others :smile:

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Dzibong, how did you make it into a multiple choice?!? You are amazing!!! I really appreciate your help and additional advice.

Oh man, what I wouldn’t do for a Jove in my life right now!