Where do Kadilen fit into?

She is so far down on the list of 5* heroes. She was buffed a bit, adding a turn of duration to her special shield, but she is still underwhelming (okay at farming, but you don’t need 5* for that).

My big issue is her shield only defends against the upfront damage from a special. That was solid against the Classic heroes, like Thorne, Lianna, and Quintus, where direct damage was the big pain. The trend is moving towards status ailments (damage over time, blinds, etc.) but Kadilen’s shield does nothing there. Against Natalaya and Lady Locke, Kadilen’s shield is literally meaningless.

I would like her shield to be buffed up to address status ailments in some way. Two options I’ve thought about:

  1. Reduce the effect of the status ailments by X%. If we use X=74% to match her shield %, then each effect’s impact is reduced by 74%. For example, Horghall’s -34% attack becomes a -9% effect (34*(1-74%)).
  2. Provide a chance to dodge the ailment altogether. Probably a lower chance than 74%; say, 33%.