WHEN SUDDENLY...! Add the Next Line - A story written by Our Community đź“–

As @NicoX spun and sashayed around the corner, taking in all the wonderful wintery sights of Helsinki, he found himself face to face with a suited figure. Another slighter figure was behind this new obstacle, valiantly hefting a huge assortment of manilla folders and notepads.

“Did you pay the required royalties in that song you were singing?” bellowed the figure, pointing an accusatiry figure at poor, bewildered @NicoX. “Officers, arrest this … umm , chickenhare thing.”

“Wha … who … wha …” stammered @NicoX.

“You can’t get away with that scandaous behaviour here. The copyright lawyer is ever vigilant for such abuses of intellectual property.”

And so @NicoX got to see a lot of the wondrous sights of a Helsinki cell. If only he’d had two pennies to rub together he could have paid the royalty. Ah well …