Arrow attack items: it really depends on if you need the item slot for something else, of course, but as others have mentioned, having an essentially-free small blind effect is the main reason. --If you’re not throwing big expensive items (like, say, time stops) at titans, giving a titan a miss chance can extend the lifespan of your titan team, especially against bigger titans.
(Also can be useful to end waves going into a boss wave, i.e. all your heroes are charged up, you’d rather not fire one before the boss wave, one silly little minion enemy in the corner of the screen has 97hp, and you can’t match any tiles of colors you have under it. Arrows, boom, dead, boss wave, fire all heroes. --Also, arrows can be used to help finish off boss waves, to a lesser degree than axes and bombs of course, but damage is damage, especially if you throw a whole stack of items at once.)
But in general, if you don’t need to bring big expensive items, but you want something that can move the battle along a bit, arrow attack items are essentially “free” to use when you have berjillions of them sitting around anyway.
Crit troops: To be fair, one pretty good reason that you might see leveled up crit troops is that it really isn’t universally the case that every player has some kind of mana-boosting troop in all colors. It took me years of F2P play (and grinding HA9 to retrain 4* troops!) to get any kind of mana-boosting troop at all in each color, and at some point folks are going to level the troops they have at least some.
If anything, this factor is returning more with a vengeance as long as we can’t use ETTs to get Magic or Styx type troops.
So reasons to level crit troops:
literally don’t have other 4* troop types, or
planning on eventually trading in a 4* troop to a 5* troop, so level up a crit troop with the aim of trading that one in (because the 4* mana-boosting troops, presumably, one wants to keep), or
for use with heroes who don’t really benefit so significantly from mana boosts (e.g. Styx speed) – admittedly, Ninja troops might be preferable to Crit troops in this case, but, you know, only if you have Ninjas (and even there, there tends to be a tradeoff in offense vs defense boosts)
Also? Carthago delenda est: #52RareQuestsAYear