What took you an embarrassingly long time to figure out?

Ha! I knew about the artwork…never noticed the subtitle. lol

Ironic that the 2 responses to my initial post are completely opposite of each other.

Well, to be fair, even way back then competing as f2p required a lot of dedication and know-how that most players just don’t have. These days that dedication is compounded so that even fewer have it. @Homaclese is one of those few.

I was never that dedicated, but I do acknowledge that you can compete if you really want it.

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Don’t forget @Gimliv and I’m pretty sure @Ruskin505 do well competitively as F2Ps. Yes, you need time and dedication, but if they enjoy it they get it done.


How do you find alchemy lab? Or do you have to have a certain level?

Alchemy Lab is an advanced building you can make once you have Advanced Stronghold level 23. You convert another building into it.

i might have been playing 6 months before i figured out you dont have to watch every hero being fed… sigh
also took me a few days w my first costume to figure out how to “swipe right” to access the costume.


I was initially irritated by the colored chests. Did I really need 150 blue titans!? Luckily it didn’t take long to find the truth… :man_facepalming:


If you keep playing you will soooo wish to come back to this point in time when you had to much ham!!! :rofl:

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I still do most of my map battles with rainbow.
But I am using auto play now which works a lot better wiith rainbow in my opinion.

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Zagrog, Hero of the month in March 2022 wonn’t dance when Guardian Gazelle fires her special and all heroes dance the dance of spirits. Took me more than 1 year to find out and I paired these two heroes nearly every time I could pair them


Hm… :thinking:
I’ll bite. :grin:

Joining an alliance was less scary than I feared, and helpful in making the game more enjoyable.
(Same can’t necessarily be said of other games…)

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Sooooooo true!
Twenty characters of :bacon:

I still haven’t figured it out where one can store iron? For now my stash is in the academy making troops but when I need it have to have a good amount of ham to convert the peasants into TC20. So is there a better place for iron?

The meaning of life

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how to get a good night’s sleep…


You can use a two finger gesture to zoom in on the main screen and make duck hunting so much easier

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There are no secrets here. All of this will reveal itself over years. Are you in a training alliance? If not, i suggest you go to one that is linked to a family of alliances - as they are they only ones that have enough members to run it properly. This game reveals itself slowly and it will take years and you still come across new things.

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Duck hunting… you can also have the building relocation window and it removes the extra stuff on the screen so it’s easier to see/find those ducks.


Can anyone confirm this? I always thought that your team fires in the order you see in screen, when you make your defense team, from left to right. It’s the first time I read that in wars and others it fires from right to left.