What’s going on with the artwork?

It’s very interesting.

Personally I like the most Slayers, Clash of Knights and S3 artworks. I’ve just found, that @BaiMingCG is an artist, who created CoK, W3K and some other heroes.

Is he still cooperating with SG?

PS. If anyone knows who created Slayers (especially Cillian, Saoirse, Cathal, Caitlin), please let me know. I would be appreciate. I love these artworks.


Ain’t nothin wrong with Rocket Racoon and the Ice Age squirrel. You also forgot to mention the other featured hero in the Ninja Tower…Zeniba from Spirited Away.

They’ve admittedly had worse. I also think they’d be fine in an animal related game. I’m just not sure E&P have done their marketing.

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What about Oniwakimaru? Where is the face? And what are those big pcs. Of aluminum?

Never seen so much lack of thought going into character design. Same with costumes & their specials. Can’t be bothered to use the little grey brain cells to come up with a different effect for a costume that’s completely different to the OG version. Shocking !! They think it’s acceptable to just keep the exact same special & just increase the numbers ever so slightly (Frigg!) & throw a price tag on it. Frigg was basically put back to pre-nerf days so in actual fact they want us to pay for a hero that at 1 point in the past most of us have already owned !!! Anyone wud think they’re worked too hard !!!


the graphics of the new heroes are really awfull


Could be worse but only if a massive effort were made. The new Magic heroes and now these have nothing to do with the theme of the game.

The new costumes are fairly bad too.

Wonder if some of the original team members have left to enjoy their lives and the new people like infantile, poorly drawn cartoons. Just wondering.


Maybe they should hire AI.

“Sandy” mighty barbarian

“Sandy” crazy Wizard/cleric - looks like Celidana :wink:

(Just tried out of curiosity)

Definitely agree that they are awful.

Looking forward to the event that’s yet to come with fortuna and Jove, now that’s some awesome artwork right there

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I feel that the recent heroes artwork getting uglier.

See the phantom of the opera and the chick swan art, looks noobish, lack of details and the body proportion looks amateur art

Costume garjamall also looks ugly

Compared to earlier heroes art before costume exist such as zeline, athena, avalon, etc which are so stellar and majestic arts

What do you guys think?


You have to remember, now they are bringing out 100s of heroes so don’t have time to commit so much effort into each one - I am sure the designers also hate this as it’s their work, but they are on a schedule and must do it.


Pathetic. E&P began as a fantasy game with decent imagery, some truly fantastic art was done on some early new heroes and even as recently as Norns.

Since they hire different artists for different batches of new heroes, I do NOT understand allowing utter :poop: like the new Magic and Beachparty heroes to come into the game. They do NOT fit thematically, artistically or in any other way.
Not only is the art terrible, how could the THEME even be allowed?


Because they’re running out of ideas.


All these comments, opinions & ideas go in 1 ear & out the other. If they didn’t Hurricane wud not have been released as is. The left hand has no clue what the right hand is doing !! So annoying. Also, they lack ideas on costumes!! I mean come on !! Phil Fogg for example !! Make the dam effort to change his special instead of just upping the stars a little bit reducing other stats to compensate ?? I just don’t know where their heads r at? Is it a case if make as much £ as possible b4 the game goes titti£5 up ??

Shame on you for being condescending to people.

Love you too! You’ll be ok :wink:

I agree with the beach theme Dolrak, an older looking, shorter sun-burned version of Bob Pataki from Hey Arnold.

It very much seems like they are hiring cheaper artists, probably also giving them less time to design the heroes, the details and thoughts are missing on the newer heroes/costumes.


I can’t watch this new Alfrike.
Once they changed Kadilen into Tinker Bell (secondary costume).
And now Alfrike.
What is this? :confused:

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