Appreciation for Clash of Knight Graphic Arts Design

I looove Clash of Knight character design, the art is superb, the colors is pleasing to the eyes and the special skill animation also really awesome.

hail to the designer and animator :heart_eyes:

note: one of the reason i keep playing this game is the arts always professionally made

I must give sincere appreciation to SG on this field.

if you guys want to know who is the graphic designer of clash of knight characters, the person is @BaiMingCG


I agree. The knights are some of thebest looking heroes in the game.

Just need to get some of them now so I can see them when the event isn’t on


Nice thread @mogulemon! :+1:

The designer for CoK heroes has created a thread in response to feedback on Malicna’s artwork in the Foreign Languages category:

I’m sure they’d be happy to hear your positive feedback. :smile:


Quintin reminds me so much of Kingdom Hearts character, propably the way he’s sitting at the tree :smiley: and I love that game serie!

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They do look good and well done to the designer. My only issue is that they don’t really look like knights, not in the traditional way imo.

居然专门开了一个讨论,真的太感谢了 :blush:,才看到,过来踩踩~



Yes we need to give credit to the artist. @BaiMingCG has done a great job with his designs. Clash of knights has one of the better designs of the new gen heroes, if not one of the best. Everyone’s design is just solid, while the only one I felt is a little out of place is lewena. She looks like how I imagined a fortnight character to be. But it’s still a solid design by a longshot

I agree. The art for the new heroes in this portal is great. Id love to see more from this artist.


Same here. I love the artwork. Hands down the best designs in the game IMHO.

Now if I could only pull one of those shiny new 5 stars …


My congratulations and appreciation as well to the artist! I really enjoy the art of the Knights heroes and for me it’s an important aspect of the game


The art is nice but not quite as nice as the guy/gal who did Chakkaszrot (and a few others, I think).

I do love the colors but feel the armor is a bit ridiculous. The more I look at it, the more it just becomes this porcupine-spike-edged cartoonish armor that just looks off.

Still leagues better than those fugly slayers though.

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Chakkoszrot is also drawn by this same artist. He has a personal thread here, you may go there to see the designs.

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Nice to see your presence in the forum by the way…


(Haha, that was designed by me, too. I started out as a monster designer, so drawing this kind of non-human creature is actually a field that I am better at. Unfortunately, there are few such heroes in SG. I found that several comments talked about his gender. Haha, he is male.)

另外Bertila 、Uraeus、Malicna、Yang Mai、Devana、Alexandrine也是我设计的,只可惜我自己一个都没用抽到
(In addition, Bertila, Uraeus, Malicna, Yang Mai, Devana and Alexandrine were also designed by me. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of them myself.)


Nice work :slight_smile:


Evet grafikler ve tasarım oldukça güzel fakat Lewena karakteri neden bu kadar berbat bir hero? Özelliği hiçbir işe yaramaz. Böylesi güzel bir grafik sahibi bir kahramanın yeteneksiz olması çok üzücü.

Yes, the graphics and design are very nice, but why is the Lewena character such a terrible hero? The feature is useless. It’s a shame that a hero with such a beautiful graphic is untalented.

I always liked the artwork for Devana, the only one with freckles I think.

i think the artist only draw the characters.

regarding gameplay and special skills it is SG who decide

very nice design for these heroes !