What is considered limited duration summons?

I have never known what that has meant. Is or had there been a limited duration summons. And if so what would be considered limited duration summons??? Is the Athers summons one?
Sorry for the silly questions hope to understand them better. And the HotM use to get them every month, Now its been a year since one has been given to me. Its getting bad. Ithink Christmas of lastyrar was the lasttime I pulled one on an old acctount that I wish I could recoover… While on tje subject . How can I recover my old account???

I think it describes a type of summons that the devs want to pack more words around. All summons are limited in duration.

Think they use that to exclude the daily summon, epic troop summon, epic hero summon and elemental summon. Don’t know exactly what they’re excluding but it will include these four.