🏅 Weekly Raid Tournaments – Post-Launch Feedback – Unfair Matches [dev response on post 476] and Scoring? Appropriate Difficulty? Loot Tiers? See thread for more topics


I read a theory somewhere on this forum, that it may actually be INTENTIONAL that everyone gets matched with the lowest TP defenses pool on day 1. Then, as the days progress, we would be matched against gradually stronger opponents, introducing some kind of ordering into otherwise wildly unfair battles where weaker players could be kicked off from the tournament on day 1 only by unfortunate roll of a maxed 4* opponent to fight against. Weaker players would gradually fall off the contest as the days progress into higher TP defenses pool. And this way, no tier 2 player would accidentally lose the tournament on day 1 by unfortunate roll of four tier 1 opponents, while tier 3 player could luckily survive till day 5 only because they random tier 5 opponents.

That would also explain why so many good defenses were not attacked yet.

Has anyone with maxed 4* defense been attacked already? Has anyone been matched with a stronger team (TP 3000+), or are the all fights against weaklings so far?

It is definitely too strange, and also seeing noone from the staff posting anything on that topic yet, makes me believe this is working as intended.