War web tracking

Hello everyone,

I wanted to announce that I have developed a simple web application to track the progress of the war.

You can find the link here: Heimdall War Tracker

This application is not invasive and is easy to use.

Any suggestions or constructive criticisms will be welcome.

Thank you all


Thanks @hascar great work!

Can I offer some suggestions regarding formatting?

On a mobile device the score cells are only 3 values wide. Pushing these boxes down one line underneath the text could accommodate larger input cells.

Removing “Your” text will also make room on the final score section.

Is there a way to view web apps through an emulator to see what mobile devices will look like?

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Thank you for sharing @hascar :smiley:

I will test it tomorrow.

That’s nice, thanks for your suggestion. I will change as soon as possible :+1:

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Done, to check the visualization you can do it with any browser, when you open inspect element you can choose mobile view with different resolutions

Great simple tool @hascar :+1:

Just one simple enhancement for you: instead of total of flags, the first input should be the number of players in the user’s team, easier to count for the user.
Your tool can compute the number of flags from that.

You could also have a second input box for the number of enemy players, which would be automatically filled with the first number, but would allow the user to change it in case he was given an unbalanced war.


You can click on the Alliance emblem and it will tell you how many flags are left. No need to “count”.

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I know it works during the war for the total of flags LEFT (and we need the actual total of flags here). And doesn’t it display 0 during the preparation phase? Anyway, this kind of tool is never used during the preparation phase so even though it would display the total amount of flags at that time, it’s useless.

Nobody forces you to use it, you can always use something else. What is useless to you for someone else could be useful.

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Think “it’s” is refering to my suggestion, rather than the tool.

Yea, “it” is “the total amount of flags at that time [preparation phase]”, that was just before the comma before “it”. I was obviously not saying that the tool is useless, neither your remark @Mikal, always good for the thoughts to discuss and see what the others think.

So much for the welcome suggestions and constructive criticisms @hascar…

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Ok, I didn’t understand, my mistake

thank you so much sharing detial i will use it

nice gif i like it

Thanks for the war traker tool. @hascar I use it all the time … :grin:

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