War matchmaking strikes again

I check d both Alliances. Every Member of your alliance could field a Defense which is on average some 50-100 Tp stronger than those of your opponents. To ne it seems fair thst they are allowed one more team.
I know you have six flags less abd need one flag more to flip the opponents but you look much stronger. What was the result in the end.?
My own alliance had such an opponent once and we won big!

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I can feel u its bit unfair when this happens… Sorry for ur loss but we were fortunate to pull this wor and won

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We still pulled of this war by 507 points…!! :relaxed:
Offensively we put more efforts to ensure victory😇

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Congratulations !
500 Points! The matchmaking was unfair, for your enemy …:slight_smile:

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Haha😁 that was good one
So far we have war Win/lose streak is-WLWWWWLLWW
Won 7 lost 3

How to not waste your time playing E&P and playing in War more than usually… Get a good match up :ok_hand:
At least, we knew before the weekend, we didn’t have to worry about this war lol

Oh my :sweat: - Good luck for the next war!

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I still maintain the matchmaking is flawed in that it rewards those with superior bench depth. However, I think it mostly fair. What follows is 3 of 4 of our last 4 wars @TGW Ghost Ship. The major opponent loss was a forfeit that they probably may have won. The missing one is the Ukrainians who one hit us with every flag; yep, we were at sea…

This. I don’t use the exact same thirty heroes every war. I’d my 30-90 are all equal that’s quite an advantage. Then again some of that should show up in war score.

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I would like to point out that team power doesn’t mean anything. Last war there was a guy just under 4000 and only our 4800 player was able to break him (the rest of us had to use a LOT of flags on him, We are mostly 4000 to 4400 players with me being 4600 (I scored only 9 points on him with two attacks and a 4200 got zero points). We have beaten a few teams that had many more 4600 players than us. Skills were set to very fast and the guy had krampus, heimdall, vivica, mother north, and I forget who else maybe boldtusk. The only attack he had was minions and most everyone fell on time even with healers and debuff heroes

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Unlucky lol happens to all of us. Just RNG being RNG.

War can be brutal

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Our alliance has at least 5 members with defence teams lower than 3000 TP (they are fairly new to the game). The member on the enemy side with the lowest TP is 3800 TP. How is this fair matching?

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It’s all about bench depth, you have it or you don’t. This war just finished was touch and go. They appeared to have numerically superior defense, they took the early initiative but lacked co-ordination. Not all of us can expect to get clean kills with every hit. Why some people decide to hit 3 different targets for partials when they could have got a kill and a partial is beyond me when you are a janitor like me. :slightly_smiling_face:


Oi! You criticising my approach to war? :laughing:

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I appreciate the humour, I probably could have worded it better but we have our heavy hitters and janitors. We all know our roles and getting Australia, Europe and the USA to work together is especially a challenge mid week. The point I should have made clearer is we all have our roles and we rely on those opted in to fulfill those roles and stand back while everyone does their thing. Heavy hitters don’t do their own cleanup, that is just a wasted flag imo. AW war can be a pile of fun when you all work together. That’s what makes an alliance. :smiley: :vulcan_salute:

I spend most of my time here pondering about war approach, so I had to make a comment. (Also, never pass up the opportunity for a timely laugh.)

But yes, in terms of war roles it makes sense to have something akin to those roles. It’s less an issue now without field aid, but field aid made the janitor role really tricky for low TP teams in a broad alliance.

The flipside to using low TP teams and members is for them to attempt tank busts. Might aid a more ‘mediocre’ team to then finish them off with certainty rather than an uncertain clean up.

Some alliances might have a use one flag for one enemy policy. I know of an alliance which had a two flag maximum to finish a team, then move on.

In a perceived mismatch situation (trying to keep on topic…), the tank bust approach might be worth considering to help out the alliance overall.

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1 month later… Thanks for the matchmaking E&P

Is it possible to banish aether from loot wars, this is apparently just worst

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Chance for pay back :muscle:t2:


GL… With Vfast wars, you just never know.
Hope the tiles are kind :thinking:.


I will not bet 1 cent tho… :joy:
Alfrique will be all other the place

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