War defence

How we set our war defence based on the war battle aid ( war equaliser, rush war, attack boost, Arrow barrage… Etc). Please complete information about this, if possible any reference links share with me, i want to learn this.


Its a very wide question. I almost would suggest to check popular utuber videos about wars and warteams, maybe helps a bit more than thousands of different opinions for a question where isnt only one pure fact exist based on different rosters, levels and alliances incl tank colors, orders etc. I believe theres as many opinions than players in this game :wink:


You want your tank(middle slot) to have high defense n hp. Don’t use that same color unless you have to cause the attack team is probably gonna run mono( same color lineup) or a 3-2 that is the strong color against your tank. So the event that clears buff n status ailments every 3 turns, you wanna you more power guys thit hit hard n don’t count on status ailments for there attacks. Same with a healer that gives you so much health each turn, you want a healer that gives you all your health hp at once. Fast mana you wanna use a lot of your big hitters with slow mana or average mana regularly.


The search tool is your friend in the forum :cry:.

Has links to specific war buff threads too. GL

I hope you are in a good training alliance with members who will take the time to help you with designing the best war defense for each war buff. If you’re not in one, I’d suggest you check out alliance recruitment, as you will grow quickly if you are an active daily player wanting to learn.

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Without detailed information its only possible to give an overview:

First of all your alliance should agree on a color for the tank. All participants in war have to field a tank in this color. You can change that regularly but for not so experienced players you should stay with one color. Most top alliances use purple or red tanks.

In VF wars you can use a slow or very slow tanks, best is Alfrike, but Boss Wolf, Quintus, Killhare, Malicna or costumed Domitia are all valid options. Even a Cyprian or Rigard can do. If you agreed on red tanks Elena or Khagan are good choices, Elizabeth too.
All heroes fire after 7 tiles, with mana troops you can shorten this to 6 tiles. This is important for victory. Level only 4* mana troops. Good troops are as important as good heroes. The important levels for mana troops are Lvl1 (5% boost), Lvl5 (7%), Lvl11, Lvl17, Lvl23 and Lvl29.

For a good war defense a set of rainbow mana troop is needed.

In equalizer war all heroes with damage over time (DoT) , healing over time (HoT), riposte or other effects lasting longer than two turns are not working well. Krampus and other taunt heroes are not as good as in other war formats.
You should use fast snipers and defense down heroes. Minion or fiend summoners work too.
Best tanks for equalizer are Xnolphod and Bera.

In minion wars ( undead horde) its helpful to have at least one minion killer in your defense. Good ones are Devana, Gefjon, costumed Gormek, Skadi and Grimble. Imo Grimble is the best against minions but not a real good tank. If your alliance has a lot of Grimbles you should not use purple tanks in minion wars.

In arrow wars the attacker usually brings two healers. So everything that works against healing is good. Heroes with a vampire special like Vanda/cVanda, cElkanen, Victor/ cVictor or heroes who makes healing ineffective like Rana, Roc , Perseus are really annoying in defense.

In the other war formats there are no extra consideration.

Happy gaming


The above advice is excellent, I think they’ve answered your question about how to adapt your war defence in accordance with the type of war.

As JoeBone76 said, don’t use the same colour throughout your war defence. It’s best to have a rainbow defence. For war equaliser, I change costume Rigard to normal Rigard as healing at once is far better than healing over time, which will be cancelled. For rush (VF) wars, slow, big hitter heroes are excellent so Isarnia and Azlar (C) go in my team.

…thank you very much @Gimliv for informing me of the important levels for mana troops. 3 of my mana troops are near level 17, good to know!


Jak byś nie ustawił i tak to nic nie da. Jak właściciele włącza tryb oszust to żeby się człowiek zesrał to i tak przegra. Zarówno wcataku i w obronie.

Thank you so much Gimliv, sure i will set my defence accordingly form next war onwords

That depends! Honestly, mine is set up uniformly regardless of war mechanic, though I do have a variety of heroes with slow to fast mana speed so they can hold up pretty well. I have a minion summoner (Bera), healer/dispeller/defense down (C. Vivica), and dodger (C. Kadilen). I do love Bera above all as Tank because she’s a fast hero and her minions don’t get removed even during war equalizer, which is amazing.

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