War Cheating?

@hyperplay … basically the war opponents haven’t done anything wrong. So nothing to “pay” for. Altering your “defence” team to deliberately drop your own trophy count does NOT have any impact on war matchmaking.
So it’s not cheating and is does NOT give the opponents any advantage in war


Yeah, I would report that team.

For making it way too easy to defeat them.

Seriously, I don’t see the issue.

They might as well just give my alliance 9000 points and escort themselves off the field.

One shots all day.


A mi lo que me molesta. Es por qué usan los titanes para ponderar puntaje en emparejamiento. Desvirtua todo.

Titan score has no influence on matchmaking at all.

My alliance has ~20 members total, but only currently 5 or so participating in wars. If we go up against an alliance of 5 members, our titan score can be 2-3 times higher than theirs. Our cup score is generally much higher than theirs.

What bothers me is that their 5 members all have 200-300+ higher TP than our 5 war participants. Tell me how is that fair?