Wanted chest rewards – better rewards by killing stronger monsters?

Just wondering if the monster chest rewards get better by killing stronger monsters. Mostly been hunting monster on lower levels as farming for backpacks and recruits and getting really crappy rewards

I’m not aware of anyone having collected data indicating that how a Wanted Chest is filled makes any difference to the rewards, but maybe @BarryWuzHere or @gregschen would know if there’s data on that.

As far as I know, really crappy rewards are just the norm.


TL;DR: monster chest loot appears to be RNG based and usually crap with RARE exceptions

@Garanwyn did sone rather good data collection on elemental chests.

A couple years ago, somebody did some limited data crunching that indicated filling them on boss monster levels (S1, all monsters have special skills) resulted in better loot but monster difficulty didn’t matter. I never saw the full data.

Garanwyn disproved that several months ago, and I did see his data and agreed.

As of now, I have no reason to believe that WHAT you fill any wanted chest with matters and no data even indicating it.

That said, it takes quite a lot of data and crunching to statistically show that there is no evidence of correlation, and there are many possible variables that have never been checked over, including the phase of the moon when you fill the chest.


The phase of which moon? Earth’s? Morlovia’s? Anyone of Jupiter’s?


None of them have been tested properly!

But Morlovia’s moon seems to be stuck on full.


That’s no moon… it’s a space station!


Don’t be silly, you can’t make a space station out of green cheese.


Obviously Pandora, I believe it’s called Elpis?? Heard it looks like a fire hawk now though?

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Thanks for asking this question and to those that answered, it had been in the back of my mind too, was I getting crap farming low levels or was it just you normally get crap :grin:

@PapaHeavy Yeah cause Lilith branded it. :joy::joy::joy:

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Ahhh a BL fan huh @Aunty_Krauser!!! Fantastic!!

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