Version 55 Release Notes & Status - Discussion

You get the point 20 times :smile:


Here’s the updated verbiage on my QoH’s card.


Okay thanks for the refreshed take on it and thanks @BlackZed … we’ll just chalk my unhappy attitude up to my latest spoiled tantrum…:roll_eyes:


It’s okay. You are not alone. I fed away many many feeders in January.

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The Superior Jinx / minion nerf affects me quite a bit. Since superior talents were released, i’ve been regularly playing my 4 S1 wizards on teams that give minions and really liked that the minions would have a chance to proc jinx and dispel.

why would they change this? who’s even affected besides the S1 wizards? El Naddaha and her passive? that’s the only one i could think of off the top of my head where jinx could happen because of family or passive, but maybe there are others.

disappointing for sure, but i’ll
adjust. at least troop damage can still dispel. for now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It affects Cao Cao and his premium status. Which is part of his actual ability - summoning minions that dispel. Having a Superior talent apply to minions is just a bit over the top.

Can someone explain how that changes things? It seems like it is fundamentally the same thing. I guess it specifies that QoH is the owner of the taunt instead of the card which was something marked as a bug?

Edit: Nvm, I guess it’s removable in that sense.

Ninja Tower too. After it included featured heroes the chance of getting event 5* went up from 1% to 1.3%. I suspect it’ll be the same case with Tower of Styx.

Yep, just like it has for all other minion/fiend effects

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Not only did I spend the months since the first MI building out my overhealers but I thought the strategy of relying on overhealers to counter the perm damage was a fair trade off.

Then SG changes the rules of the event in its favor. Some BS- :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


It should work like Hulda’s minions. The minions give her an actual undispelable Taunt status effect but then it can be removed by War Equalizer like other status effect lasting as long as the minion is alive.


It was not breaking the gameplay but it was still rather odd and completely inconsistent with how every other minion abilities work. Sure it’s a nerf but in some way, I see it as a fix.


Jumping on the train of the disappointed players about Monster Island update. Permanent damage, as i recall, was one of the main concern after the first global beta. They made it even worse. Seems like i’m not going to enjoy at all the event and, for an alliance like mine, it’s definitely become unplayable. Half of my alliance mates had their roster decimated after few attacks. With no counter to permanent damage, we and probably most of the alliances like mine will have to skip the event almost entirely


I’ve confirmed that this also applies to ailments from minions other than Bera.
Thanks for the fix.

I would agree, but then minions such as Hulda’s and M&M’s that give healing should have a healing buff put on their owners, and Inari’s should put a +mana buff on their owners … if we are fixing “irregularities” and making things more consistent.


Consistent, but an interesting nerf. For example, minion buffs aren’t dispellable; however, you can block them using buff blocker. I’ve used cSabina a number of times before the W3K heroes fire and while you can’t stop Diao Chan’s minions from stealing buffs, they certainly can’t add them. Likewise, now I can block QoH’s taunt like every other taunter with cSabina (but not with Malosi). So, QoH is now weaker with this slight change.


I wonder if they addressed this related issue in their fix:

And why are we nerfing one of the least used and weakest 5* heroes while e.g. 290% fast damage of the most used 5* hero (Costumed Panther) remains untouched? Is the right vision instead of seeing more diversity of used heroes to see Costumed Panther and M&M everywhere?


I suspect they may have only fixed it so her taunt gets removed by war equalizer, as most fiends’ ailments and minions’ buffs do. Or, at least, thats what I hope the only change is. I wonder if the way her taunt was written, if it conflicted with how the LNY heroes’ passive worked. Anyone check that before update?

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Hey, I am not the one deciding on that. Ask SGG instead.