USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Feel The Might (Senan, Gems)

[March 14, 2023]

Items Value
3000x Gems $15.00
1x 4AM $5.00
1x 3AM $1.00
3.5M Food $3.50
7x 2* Master Trainers $0.00
7x WE Flask $3.50
7x Loot Tickets $0.35
Total $28.35

Synopsis Is $32.99 going to be the new tier for what were previously $30 offers? Only time will tell. We have seen these gems only FTW offers in the past (here & here) but they evolved into some of the most awaited offers when they started offering $1 per pull, pure coins with no gem/battle item tax. This is a letdown and clearly a subpar offer.

Other valuations