USD Offers, Screenshots, Valuations & Discussions

Feel The Might (Senan, Golden Emblem)

[November 16, 2022]

Items Value
3000x Gems $15.00
2.5M Food $2.50
3x Titan Flask $1.50
1x Epic Tome of Golden Emblems -
1x Omnia Harvester -
Total $19.00

Synopsis A subpar offer at first glance but ZS has thrown in some intangibles in the mix to keep us guessing. The Epic Tome grants you 3 Golden Emblems. If one uses the tomes only for the last node (as one should), that saves you 750 emblems. That alone is worth $18.75. If you consider the food/iron savings, it goes further up. However, emblems, food and iron are free and easily obtainable resources so unless you’re in a pinch, this offer remains subpar.

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