Update details. The cart! )))

Does anyone know what kind of cart appeared in the fortress after the upgrade?
@PlayForFun maybe you know what the point of her appearance is? )))))


Haven’t you noticed yet?
When you push the pumpkins they jump, whenever you have more then 10 in the air, the cart comes around to collect them, delivery them to the castle where you get EHT in return.


Yeah, I already got my styx troops to 30 since the update… nice feature, f2p friendly… guess it was ETT for me…


I suspect it is just some graphical update with no further purpose.

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Yeah I noticed it after V52 was forced. Maybe to collect the pumpkins when Morlovia ends.


Oh, I just notice today :sweat_smile:.

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I found the answer to this three days ago.

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There is a rumor about that there will be a Food Bundle related offer tied to this Cart.

As this cart is there since the update.
I think the offers will arrive soon, maybe tomorrow :smiley:


In contrary to most of the graphics, this cart is clickable, with an assigned click sound, increasing the chance it does have some significance.

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$$$$ignificance$$$$$ yes probably :blush:

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Offer related things are not tested in Beta. (Eg: Goblin ballon, Phoenix VIP,… ) so that’s why I suspect it is something related to offers.


I assume it is there to cart away my money when the Black Friday summons comes.


I saw the card too. What is it? Can we have a Black Friday portal for previous avatars? I like the snowman one.

Maybe that’s the icon to hold all non-shop offers, apart from Season/Event & Seasonal offers.

Or maybe that’s the portal access to Zynga store?

Or maybe that’s where VIP-related offers are located. As in need to be a vip to access these splendid offers.

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An unexpected twist! It has become much more interesting! I have sound effects disabled, so I didn’t know that clicking on the cart is accompanied by sound. It makes sense to think, maybe this cart is really not just an element of graphic design! :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I unlocked audio effect, and I unlocked phone audio too, just to hear that click. :joy::rofl:

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Similarly! :see_no_evil: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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And now you know :joy:



God, how banal everything turned out to be! And my imagination has already played out! And it was over so quickly! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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This offer is just so awful. :roll_eyes: