Training Camp lvl 20 - Results

94 workouts and 0 out of 5 * I’m going for the bad luck record, at least I’ll win something in this game


60 pulls:

Last 3 Quintus, Carver, Carver

3 star: 50.

4 star: 9

5 star: 1 Quintus

I got 2 tc running around 1pm (gmt) and one around 11pm. The late one has just produced my first 5*

I have done maybe 15 pulls total. Never really needed to since I have a lot of 5’s already. But for the last week I’ve been running 2 camps. So far I’ve gotten Scarlett, Grimm, Friar Tuck, Renfeld, valen. No 5’s yet. I have both camps training 3 each. Will keep posting results.

22 pulls until today:
14 3*
5 4*
3 5* (Lianna, Justice, Obakan)
Last pull: Obakan

3* - 49 (76.56%)
4* - 13 (20.31%)
5* - 2 (3.125%)

64 pulls so far.

pulled Domitia today!!! :blush: :blush: :blush:


Love the enthusiasm :slight_smile:

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6 pulls:

3* - 1x - Gan Ju
4* - 5x - Cyprian, Tiburtus, Chao, Ceadmon, Boril

16 pulls from TC20 up to date from 3 days ago:

3 x 5* Leonidas x 2 and last pull Domitia
2 x 4* Skittle and Kiril
11 x 3*

97 rolls, I continue with 0 heroes of 5 * the record of bad luck is mine


2 summons

2 3*
0 4*
0 5*

I started off really bad first 30 pulls where 3* then i got 2 4* now that i got my 3rd tc 20 going i’ve pulled 2 5* in the last week (joon and quintis) wish i would have upgraded sooner lol

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It realy should be the first thing every player would aim for when developing the village :slight_smile:

Havent counted pulls, but I did get Wu Kong yesterday :grin::grin:
Rest were 3*/4*, some feeders, some keepers

Just pulled a kiril about 5 mins ago so now 3 4*

I’m now at zero for 101. I’ll race you to the bottom I guess. 2 more in a few hours.

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Funny enough my third TC 20 gave me the following heroes:

Tc3 right 10pm
1308 Cyprian 4*
1508 Wu Kong 4*
1708 Kiril 4*

So 100% 4* production :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I have all three already…

I wanted to be like you honestly… when I got domitia, Leonidas, azlar, elkanen, kadilen, etc I got so sad… I’m not giving real value to things. We lose that by spending, and I’m returning to my senses

Can we trade? I want Azlar and Leonidas! :wink:

“To each their own,” right?

I’m somewhere in the middle of these two. Elkanen and dupe quintus made me sad. Azlar made me very happy.

Some good. Some bad. I just wish I could pull a hotm at some point! I got so excited for gravemaker…

Back on topic last three have been more consistent with everyone else! Back to three star heroes from camp!


Whats the prize for the bottom spot :slight_smile: - greymane? I am trailing by a few since i am now ‘only’ at 97 .

I don’t think that time of opening the box is a factor, but one thing that does strike me as odd and make me doubt the RNG a little is that of my 14 4* pulls , 12 of those came in pairs , ie consecutive trainings of 4 stars.

I’m to lazy to work out the odds of that , but it seems like another low probability outcome.