Tournaments for 2* and 1* - STAFF RESPONSE: 1* and 2* tournaments will be removed

It is better for newbies not to participate in 1☆ or 2☆ tournament, it is only a waste of resources and time., By focusing on 3☆, not only you will be able to compete in 3☆ tournament earlier but you can also finish rare quest, rare challenge, and trials earlier. Rare quest have guaranteed 4☆ AM while finishing in top 1% only have 2% probability.

This is the advice I would have given to newbies if the tournaments did’t get removed.


Last time I’m responding to this , Because it’s obvious that one player is upset as he was after easy wins so can thrash newbies
A newby would be serverly disadvantaged and slows them down to participate in actual events and daily titans. Also they don’t give event dates so a newby would have 24 hours to get his 1 star in place to compete , as a newby they don’t have setup to do 5 heroes in 24 hours . So they won’t be able to compete at a decent level. Also as Been explained Multi times you are slowing their progress and before you comment on people having different play styles , Iim Sure newbies are not playing this game to level up irrelevant feed heroes .

HAVE YOU taken the time to consider if a newby was able to max 1 star heroes to compete properly and then out of tourney day 1 or 2 after 5 losses what a huge waste it would be for them . Stop acting like you care for the newbies it’s no win situation for them .

Not having these useless tournaments affects only mid tier experience players after cheap placing which again is not guaranteed because I’f it was worth it all the usual suspects would fully emblem heroes and you would get usual rankings
You want variety , we have 3 star tourney now use 2 star heroes against three stars and have fun, or better yet go in suggestions thread and come up with alternative tourneys they can implement


True it is only 6.5%, but for player like me, it will be the whole year (100%) of wasted 20 rooster space. Not all player have enough rooster space and ability to power level.

I started this game in July. The memories of being a newbie are quite fresh in my mind.

The entire argument that 1* and 2* tournies would be in the favor of new players couldn’t be further from the truth and is now being slapped around by a 2 and half year veteran who has no idea what it is like to be a new player in the current game state for his own personal motives. Thats just offensive. Why don’t you stop putting words in to other peoples mouths and let them speak for themselves?

When I first started this game I maxed the first 2* heroes I found and my healer sharan and bane. That means that I had a maxed Raghild, bognan, sharan, bane and zudak. Tell me, how well do you think newbie me would have fared in a 1 or 2* tournament against better heroes, emblemmed, against people that know how to play the game? I didn’t know what stacking was. The one time I upgraded sharan for sha ji I saw my red tiles do just 1 damage an immediately abandoned sha ji alltogether. I will tell you how I did. Bottom 25%. I accidentally joined and saw that some feeders were locked and couldn’t seem to find out why… Didn’t fight a single fight.

Fast forward a few weeks. I joined an alliance that really helped me understand the game. I rightly focused on trying to gather 3* heroes and levelling up my roster and promptly fed away the 1 and 2¨* heroes I had levelled up. I didn’t have the roster space to focus on 30 levelled heroes and keep around the dead weight that is 1 and 2* food. I re-discovered the tournaments and joined a 4* buff booster with only a half levelled boldtusk as my only 4* hero. I finished in the top 5%. I faced competition at my level and because I was levelling up my team as I advanced winning battles wasnt that hard.

By the time I understood the game well enough to compete in tournaments I had easily outgrown the 1 and 2* level. These heroes were feeders and I can say without a doubt that I would not have levelled any new ones had there been a 1 or 2* tournament. I had other priorities, trying to increase my titan damage and get 30 war ready heroes.

by the time the first 2* tournament rolled around I had spent months expanding my roster. As a new player I can only say that it was extremely demotivating. Not only had I fed away the heroes that may have proved useful I had also spent lots of time and resources and some cash to get to where I was only for it to be totally useless. So I did what any new player would do. I just joined with unlevelled feeders. I didn’t have the roster space and I didn’t want to waste the resources. I ended in the top 5% anyway, fighting other unlevelled feeders. An exercise in futility.

You claim to know what newbies want but you have no idea. A newbie wants to be able to use his strongest heroes. The ones he worked for. The ones he was lucky enough to collect and the ones he spent weeks and months levelling up…A newbie doesn’t care about the top 1%, he won’t achieve that in any format. A newbie wants to use what he has gathered.

Now please stop pretending to know what newbies want. You obviously have no idea…


I don’t remember it was mentioned in-game… which is actually 1 thing I regret from the poll.

Personally I only had 5 of each.

But the point remains. It’s done. Let’s just move on… There’s probably over 500 posts across 3 threads complaining in some form or other about the situation.

Let’s just all take a deep breath, drop it, forget it and keep on keeping on.


Depends. On my alt I had many maxed and halfway leveled 2* heroes for cleanups in wars, because on lvl 12 I didn’t even have enough 3* heroes. It’s not recommended, but it worked really good.
I then fed them away one by one and THEN, boom…came that first 2* tourney, what a mess :smiley:

Telling someone they are “wasting” time, money, or resources is placing your opinion over their choices. It’s rude.

I have no issue with telling a player if you choose to participate in that Tourney you will lose those days in building a roster to compete in other Events. Some may choose that VERY temporary setback to have played.

Unfortunately the devs had players take that choice away.

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You are grossly misstating what I said about newbies and Raid Tourneys. To the point where it makes you a liar.

I have continued to say that newbies have a better chance in 1* & 2* Raid Tourneys (because of the equity of heroes- no Event ones and the time it takes to fully level a 1*) COMPARED to 3*-5* Raid Tourneys.

Stop putting words in my mouth.

Actually I have 10 maxed 2* for cleanup in war during my early days, but I maxed them on my 3rd month after I can complete rare quests and rare challenge eventz.

So if I give someone advice, I cannot say doing that is wasting resources? That is new for me. English is not my mother tongue, so please forgive me if that kind of word is offensive.

I corrected that to say not mentioned on their other social media.

Sorry for the mistake.

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And I have said multiple times that:

Fully emblemed 1☆ (320 power) is almost 50% stronger than non-emblemed 1☆ (220 power)

Fully emblemed 3☆ (540 power) is only 25% stronger than non-emblemed 1☆ (440 power)

Which means facing fully emblemed 1☆ with non emblemed 1☆ is harder than facing fully emblemed 3☆ with non emblemed 3☆

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I feel this is misleading. The devs never told us the implementation of tourney frequency until this week. Additionally, there were concerns in beta about roster space, which the frequency they decided to implement was the worst possible decision for roster space efficiency. I felt if they existed, they should be as frequent as 3* to actually utilize your investment. Otherwise, it was a waste and needed to be removed.

One thing not mentioned in this debate as often is the increased importance on troops and emblems in 1*/2*. While most have the opportunity to level these, it should not be lost on folks that the big spenders have more spare resources to spend on these to gain the advantage. It is true that there are no seasonal/event 2* or less, so all have the same tools (refreshing), but I vaguely remember fighting regular maxed 1* vs +20 emblemed 1in beta, and it was like a wall. My point here is that the these tourneys were not really the great equalizer folks think they might have been. In fact, one could argue that it was more P2W than 3 tourneys given the roster depth, emblems, and troop depth needed to compete. I can’t say for certain since only 1 was released live; just my long ago experience from beta.


Not bad, just judgmental. Telling others how to spend time, resources, or money without knowing their goals is rude. Many players on this forum think their way of playing is the right way.

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Good point…

My calculation before about power difference (50% in 1☆ while only 25% in 3☆ between fully emblemed vs non emblemed) is only a theory. But this is the reality. Thanks for this information.

I will try to use better wording next time…

Despite our difference in opinion, we still agree on 1 thing: they should have made the poll longer and announce it in game.

Have a nice day.

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Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I left a comment on the forum. I guess all opinions and reactions have already been voiced, but I will still use my right to express my opinion to the matter, even if I might be repeating other people.
Why did you have to cancel a tournament which happens only couple of times a year based on a so called majority ? What majority is this ? It’s only the people on the forum. It’s what, 0,1% of all the players ? Why is it so important to this majority that this tournament is cancelled ? The tournament is held so rarely you don’t like it, don’t keep the 1-2* heroes and don’t participate. But no, you don’t like the tournament so it needs to go. A lot of players like these tournaments : beginners, F2P and people like myself who enjoy a variety. I had every single 2* hero available with emblems already ready for this. A lot of ressources went into this. But I don’t mind losing the feeders as much as I mind losing all of my reset emblems. When am I getting 15 reset emblems back ? I had 12, had to use them, I still have three 2* with 20 emblems to reset. And of course not to forget my 1* troops at level 8-10. What am I supposed to do with those now ?
The majority, that didn’t like the idea of this tournament is really acting like a spoiled seflish child : “But I don’t like this tournament, I know it almost doesn’t affect me, I know if my hero roster is so important to me I can just not participate in this rare and minor event that so many people actually enjoy. STOP ENJOYING THINGS IF I CANNOT ENJOY THEM !” There, that’s how you sound.
So, devs ? Are you there ? I would like 15 reset emblems and all the troops I fed to 1* if you don’t mind, since it is entirely your responsability that this situation actually accured.
Thank you,
See you around



I believe that 1*'s tournaments would actually be fun for veterans.
It would show all the things that everyone is talking about.
Team choice, strategy, would be king.
Limited heroes, power,etc woud level the field and show how good you can really be, without RNG getting too much in the way(except for tiles).
So I’m not against it per say, but it’s not going to happen, too bad, i was looking forward to it.
Have a merry and happy.
Everybody did and will play with their food, at time.:grin:


Not really. Spending 19 (or 20) emblems on five (or more in order to colour stack) 1* heroes and removing them afterwards would be king.
Also, due to the lack of special skills, 1* tournaments would depend a lot more on luck than any other type. There isn’t much room for team choice.

I could understand your arguments about team choice and strategy if we were talking about 2* tourneys.

However, I still think that 3* tournaments are the ones that are best in terms of “best strategy wins”. Apart from absolute beginners, everyone has access to getting most of the 3* heroes. Fully emblemed 3* aren’t that much stronger compared to fully emblemed 1* or 2*. And most importantly, already the vanilla 3* have lots of different skills to allow for many different strategies and set-ups.