Toasting Time Recruiting

The Toasting Time Family is recruiting. We have a home for every player type, with a training component.

Toasting Time Recipe- for new players to learn the basics of the game and to ask questions. When your confidence is strong and when room allows you can move up to our next alliance.

Toasting Time Avalanche- Our newest alliance! Our Advanced beginner alliance! 1700+ team power, 200 cups!

Toasting Time Plus- for the advanced player. If you understand the game basics and are looking for a more advanced group. This group trains, has a cup and team power to be accepted. 600 cups team power 2500.

Toasting Time Regroup- If you are looking for a laid back atmosphere this is the group for you. No restrictions accepts all levels. There is no training in this alliance. Questions will be answered and chat does occur.

Toasting Time- The parent alliance. 400 cups, team power of 2500. This is for the advance players. Game strategy, game theory, and chat happen. Share your knowledge, learn something new, and kick those titans.

Type in Toasting in alliance search and choose the right alliance for you. We have a LINE chat for all four alliances. Come join our family.