To Memblem, or not to Memblem?

Memblems present one question.


Limit breaks, in parallel, another.

So, do you wait in hope of pulling potentially better recipients for buffs, or do you invest non-recyclable materials into your current yet likely depreciating heroes?
And which heroes/types of hero, within a class or element, do you buff?

The reset token claims that it 'Returns all consumed emblems'


but that, it turns out, was not be.

In my situation (as below),
I could start using fighter Memblems on 4/90 Anne or on Elena, who is currently at 4/85, 4/85, 4/80. 3/45 and who’s second costume supports my weak Paladins;
I could start using druid Memblems on Xiaotu (4/85) or on the higher base power Neema (4/80) who perhaps I should have LBed;
I could start using sorcerer Memblems on Mitsuko and I could start using barbarian Memblems on Garjammal, but (especially in the last two cases) I’m thinking of holding off in application.

There’s also that benefit of trying to ensure that you van get to the 25 emblem node so as to achieve the hero’s Master Class Talent and to achieve most efficient use of Memblems.

For me, II’m ready for 50 pulls in costume chamber, waiting for final toons, and 90 pulls in seasonal portal, and plenty of potential for investing in epic heroes.

What would you do in my situation, and in yours?.

I would wait, if you are lucky in costume chamber. At least this is what I mainly do for most classes. Invested the initial freebies directly into c1-3 Marjana as this was a no brainer for me. Barbaric Buster is at 25 and Greg goes to 25 slowly. Same for Goldie as my top healer. Today I pulled the trigger on Ludwig as Pala master talent protects him and those heavy hitters nearby, to whom he gives his mana boost. Rest of memblems is saved so far.

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