🏆 Thura – 5* Holy / Yellow from Plain Hunters

probably the best pair, you want to pair Thura with low damage, multi-hit heros.

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I love her. Place two fast snipers next to her and they bypass softskin with the extra damage. She hits three hard and at her stat level with the 10% passive to drop damage, she is awesome.


Note also that she is in ranger class, has about +25 % chance to pierce, master class may even upgrade that.

Once she casts successfully, her nearbys most efficiently hard hit 3 or hit all, will deliver damages bypassing buffs (+80% additional damage). In this respect, not bad a support.

On the damage, she is fast and most likely to deliver close to 400% damage to 3, since she is likely to cast when enemies will likely have substantial HP. Still not bad.

And she appears balanced, if the skills were to be rearranged as you have suggested, not sure it will not tilt the balance.


As a support, let’s compare her to Frida(or panther) has Frida is a typical support.

Frida does:
300% hit 3
54% Elemental Defense down
Dispel 3

300% hit at average speed is obvious dated. But 54% EDD is significantly more effective than 80% up. Because 54% EDD roughly equals 50% more damage, while 80% up for example used on 300% hit result in 380% which is only about 25% up. And bypass is not as good as Dispel. So as support, Frida has much more value. While Thura may not be too bad as a support, we are talking about featured hero at 2024, their special generally should crash the old heros by a mile, not falling short.

Thura hits harder and faster for sure, but that only makes her a damage dealer, if treated as a main damage dealer she need to have something else, etc ailment like corrosive poison or some defensive buff like heal, clean or dodge. As major damage dealer, she is supposed to fire at last, giving an attack buff like bypass or special up thus is not very helpful.

I don’t understand what’s the problem with her skills. She is not good simply because she doesn’t dispel?
She allows her teammates to gain bypass and special attack up. That’s a lot of offensive support for her teammates we’re talking about. She would allow her teammates a tactical offensive push at the right time
80% special attack up is not a lot, which hero in this game buffs 80% flat special attack? She is one of the highest special attack buffers in the game by a longshot
And good luck dispelling heroes like toons especially T elena and her counterattack. That’s when you may need some other alternative counters like bypass


I think you got a good point, bypass can be an effective option where dispel or ailment is not working well, etc facing toons. However I think she’s falling short of recent meta as her design is just not top nauch. Ideally she could be:

  • priority bypass
  • hit-3
  • buff 80%
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I guess we can be glad she was not released like that. Otherwise, she’ll be next in line for nerf. Personally, I think she is fine the way she is. She’ll definitely help to soften up the one intended target, and set up my big hitters and help them not get whacked by any counterattacks. I suppose you could bring a healer for Thura in case she gets tagged on a counterattack.

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Time for me to have some fun


left guardian elephant, right Farrah, that’s how i set her up for all events and quests. Enemy bosses gets wiped out like flies.

Here are some calculation if you bother to look:
Farrah hit:
500% + 200% + 180% 162% … 70% = 1872%
with 80% buff from Thura 1872% + 12x80% = 2832% (assuming enough dark tile to get 12 hits)

Guardian elephant:
9x(160+80)% = 2160%

To compare the current hardest hitting-3
Koghan 3x530% = 1590%
Starlass 3x550%=1650%

Note Guardian elephant give defense debuff and Farrah give EDD, so if you charge them again, they can hit even harder from their own debuff. And because both heros are random hitter, which means even when the middle is down or there is only one enemy left, they can still dump all the fire power to the target. This is insane damage.


Gotta say, ever since I disabled my in-app purchases, I’ve been luckier than when I used to spend :star_struck: Got her with the free pull from the mail that was sent out :smile:


I also got this beauty today. Finally a good hitter


Don’t worry about Thura, just come back! The thrill of uninatalling wears off quickly. I mean, do what you feel is right for you. I wish you good whatever you choose to do.

Got her in the last MI summon. I think there are numerous other heroes she can be paired with. Currently maxing Grimsteel, then it’s her turn. I really needed a yellow hitter. Okay, she ain’t knew, but her stats are good. Would be nice if Fated summon had similar heroes.

I ran a test with Thura next to Guardian Elephant, the target was Boom & Fang:

Damage 9X520 = 4680.

Without Thura the dam was 9x320 = 2880.

The difference has been +63% - +68% to GE’s damage output.

-This damage skips enemy def buffs
-Thura herself slaps a decent hit
-Another multiple-hitter on Thura’s other side makes them a death squad.
-I almost couldn’t make this test as Lazara was about to kill my still-weak Thura, but her passive reduced the damage to 1.

So quite a lot of reasons to like her.


Yes, callous, i agree. She’s now one of my go to heroes.

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