šŸµ Thunderclap ā€“ 5* Holy / Yellow from Jungle Hunters

Thunderclap needs to be changed. Itā€™s like his ability is designed to fail. Heā€™s slow and it takes 5 turns to activate after being usedā€¦ Thatā€™s a long time. He has taunt in order to force damage on himself in order to maximize his damage dealing ability but then heā€™s also very vulnerable to getting killed. The boosted HP, I suppose, was meant to counter this. But the problem is that itā€™s given over 5 turns. That means heā€™s still very vulnerable to death. If heā€™s still alive after 5 whole turns itā€™s probably cuz no specials were used and therefore you probably already won and heā€™s just not needed and he wonā€™t do much damage after those 5 long turns anyway! Furthermore, he is very vulnerable to being dispelled. This adds up to him being a powerful but useless hero. I never use him anymore. In fact, I tried using him in the recent rush war and his ability was stolen and used against meā€¦ He just isnā€™t viable.

I think he could be made into an actual viable hero if all that boosted HP was given immediately. Then he has a chance to survive the 5 turn wait rather than be killed straight away. It also gives him a little benefit even if heā€™s dispelled.


@Petri Have you guys even read this thread? Its UNIVERSALLY agreed upon that Thunderclap is broken. He needs to be re-worked.

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More like Rush war joke. All bark and no bite.

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Just pulled himā€¦

Recent comments say he is pretty mehhhhhhhh

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He was never a special hero. Useless. And easy to dispel a slow hero

No, heā€™s really good!

@Petri Can Thunderclap please be brought back on the table?

A slow hero with low stats is never, ever going to last 5 turns, and even if he did, still would to do very mediocre damage. I remember seeing him in defences -very rarely- but never affected the play in any way. Even if he got all of the 1250 hp immediately he would still not survive 5 turns.

This hero is broken, please make him in some niche way, at least, relevant.


The fix for Thunderclap is called Rhineglow:

Thunderclap is just a sad excuse of a hero wich only works when the fighter class would chain-resurrect him.


When reading the Rhineglow thread it is clear that half the people posting want him to be Thunderclap (ā€œThe Taunt needs to be longerā€) and have absolutely no idea of how or why Rhineglow is designed the way he is.

Thank you for planting the seed, will post a link to Thunderclapā€™s thread for those that plead for Rhineglowā€™s destruction, uh, I mean a five turn taunt. Sigh :man_facepalming:


Which is better, the Great, Warhammer flailing, Ape Thunderclap or -90% damage taking, ailment-scorning, Guffa?

Not exactly a coin toss, is it?

If thunderclap was undispellable or if he fired his damage on dispell he would be much better. If fired on dispell he would be all over cleanse wars.

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Just pulled this guy - looks like he sucks.

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Alas, he does. We donā€™t know why something isnā€™t done to that. There arenā€™t too many fairly recent heroes that are entirely useless.

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Alpha Taunt is not uselessā€¦

If alpha taunt is the only reason to level Thunderclap then you might as well just level Shrubbear instead and save the materials


Just got my second copyā€¦ now I have two gorillas sitting on the bench :sweat:

:joy::joy::joy: :+1:t4: that is so damn right