The worst heroes of the game by categories

Reuben is crying tears of joy as his new best friend Klaern takes the worst hotm crown from him.


Mok-arr i like he does have a quirky special that does benfit yah team (if you have/use the right heroā€™s) i didnt have many decent 5* dark for ages well im still short in 3 years of play ā€¦ Haha
But if you can use him correctly he can be good hero in offence ā€¦ Its sometines learning to use what yah to benfit yahself ā€¦

Also lady locke in maxing now that dot did interest me so prob the reason why and cleanse in nature ā€¦ Also there a buff thread about her ā€¦


Locke does and absurd amount of damage to three. Yeah, sheā€™s fragile but thatā€™s the trade off. Oh yeah, she also cleanses-in green. :heart_eyes:

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And probably Papyros and Balbar

And my amazing luck

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hahaļ¼ŒEsme is a wolf princess


I wanted to dispute your quintus argumentā€¦ I donā€™t like elkenan horghall and obakan, and i still find quintus useable with Xnolphod, but you arenā€™t wrongā€¦ Just debatable.

Wouldnā€™t you agree that Horhall is worse than Quintus?
I Think Horhallā€™s stats are wasted on quite useless health while Quintus can at least deal damage in Rush Attack.
Also, Quintus uses Sorcerer emblems which have reduced competition, at least for F2P.

(The ā€œyouā€ in my message was referring to the OP.)

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I like to mix sergri xnol and quintus togetherā€¦ 9 yikesā€¦ Major damage.

Most heros have use somewhere. Some may be good on attack, some on defense, and some on titans. Imo itā€™s rare to find one that is good on all 3.

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Quintus worse than Obakan or Horghall? At least he gets more useful at VF wars/tournaments.
For HOTM Iā€™d say Noor.

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Noor by herself is mediocre, but versus a devana or seshat who pull 1 minion and she pulls one beefy minionā€¦ When paired with Viscaro and minions become a liabilityā€¦

When you want an extra 1200 health on eventsā€¦ Sheā€™s super useful.


my first 5* was Mok-Arr for about a month, so naturally I focused on building him up. Such a sad sad mistake. But everything has to balance out and the E&P powers that be picked a Himeros on a free pull. I had no clue then what had happened. Salmon Loki is also in my opinion trash and the only time Mok and Salmon are useful are probably a yellow titan or team mono-yellow teamā€¦ I will go ahead and say this as well at this moment Sif @ 3.30 has been surprisingly underwhelming I was excited when I pulled her but I am disappointed. Not sure if I am using her right or what. Cinisia 1.11 has been more useful

Papyrus isnā€™t too bad. heā€™s not the best of the S5 but I use him in Wars and he does well enough. Of my minion summoners he is probably 3rd or 4th.

Tbf a lot of S2 heroes are trash by todayā€™s standards. S2 is the unfortunate season to get properly balanced. Honestly mok arr isnā€™t even the worse hero, itā€™s a tie between tarlak or misandra for me.
Tarlak has aged so poorly, his heal was so bad even when he was new the healing was heavily criticized.
Maybe misandra in this case is the worse one. Just unreliable damage output

S3, the worse one was lady Loki. Too slow to work her magic. Objectively, Salmon gets a lot of flak, but he is genuinely such a fun hero to use. Super elementals, Kalevala, he has a lot of tools to play with now

S4, yeah exeera for sure. Because at least with mok arr he can be used as a combo extender, you canā€™t with this hero. Maybe screw around using salmon Loki idk?

S5, I say Set is the worse one by a mile because nothing works for him, slow and skills all over the place. However, his 2LB effect actually makes him useable, thatā€™s why he needs to be average speed to work decently. If you are willing to pour in resources for a 2LB Set, he can pull off as tank quite well

Challenge festival 1 heroes- red hood :cry: this one pains me to see how she had aged so poorly. The damage is probably non existent, the foxes canā€™t do anything. Her buff is just neither here nor there.

Challenge festival 2 heroes- the entire slayer family. Gimmicky stacks, boring skills. They aged really poorly

Ninja tower, hard to say- either jade or mica. And both of them arenā€™t even that bad as they have gotten their buffs, theyā€™re just balanced for their age. Mica would never age poorly, maybe jade I guess

Magic tower, Cristobal. Quite a plain hitter from how I see him, although he is versatile to use. His class doesnā€™t really fit into his playstyle. There are much better magic heroes with better support. Heā€™s probably not even that bad, just underwhelming. And when the entire magic cast has more to offer, underwhelming just means the worse

Styx, not familiar with this family, so will trust public opinion this time round. Erebus, because so and so reasons. From what I know heā€™s the least popular one of the group

Wo3k, Zhang fei. Again, a vanilla sniper of the family. Doesnā€™t mean heā€™s bad, like cristobal, just underwhelming

Wolf/raven, Esme/lewena. While Esme is better now with the overheal, before that she couldnā€™t really do anything well, especially when she had to fight against heroes like Arco who was leagues about her standard. Lewena was just the vanilla AOE. If your enemies donā€™t depend on talents, sheā€™s just a fast AOE

Hotm 2017, Perseus. Too weak, does almost nothing

Hotm 2018, aeron. Just why? I know he has a really bad heal and ailment shield

Hotm 2019, ranvir. Highly dependent on luck. But meh 2019 had quite solid hotms

Hotm 2020, Reuben. Brings nothing to the table

Hotm 2021, hanitra. Suffers from being too dependent on the enemy. Is missing something even for a fast speed hero

Hotm 2022, balur. The most bare bones S1 hero disguised as a late 2022 hotm, and not even a good one for S1 standards. The audacity for them to publish this hero on December.

Hotm 2023 (as of now), tied between Gilligan and ithar. Ithar does everything, yet does nothing well. Only way to use her is to be a combo extender for snipers. Gilliganā€™s playstyle has slayer family vibes which I have mentioned is the worse family ever

I fought in W3K today a team with lb2 Other at tank :sob: :sob: I happily took my dark 3 stack with 2 normally-unused green heroes, and used that team for easy points. Mind-boggling to lb2 her reallyā€¦

Id disagree with like 80% of the notions mentioned here from the attempt at an updated list.

Justice for Reuben - Gilligan and Klaern are worse.

Happy gaming

I donā€™t agree with Gilligan being bad. He has very niche uses against buff heavy teams, but 2023 hotms werenā€™t actually all that bad, so maybe he is one of the worst 2023 hotms so far.

I like Hanitra more than Inari. I donā€™t think she is the worst 2020 hotm, Balbar is far worse.

I can see the Slayers not being very good, I donā€™t have any of the 5* ones, The 3* ones are pretty ok and LB worthy, the 4* ones not even LB1 worthy to me I donā€™t think. I do use 4* ones from time to time somewhere, but I wouldnā€™t mind reseting their emblems.

I like Papyros, compared to other S5 5* probably one of the worst, but in general he is not bad.

Donā€™t agree with Lewena, donā€™t have her myself, but I would love fast AoE in red color, for which I have no AoE 5* yet + I think talent abilities block ailment can be a nice unique ailment to have.

Erebus is amazing for a sniperā€¦ absolutely disagree. He can almost kill a hero with full hp and 3 minions by himself or at least pack a huge punch, Iā€™d even LB2 him in a very far future, but he is obviously not my top 5* candidate by any means. There doesnā€™t have to be one worst hero in every family/event/portal.
Nemesis/Erebus are both fairly equal snipers from Styx imho.

Sorry, I replied to opinions of like 3 different posts :smiley:.

You didnā€™t see Gilligan in action against heavy buffers and/or in rush with cyclopes troop :smiley:

:thinking: So now I know why I like Gilligan :wink: as I like Slayers also.

How. Absolute. Dare.