The Summons are Rigged?

Don’t worry this is not an unlucky person’s cry thread.
When I was watching S5 pulls videos I noticed that, there were too many faiez, waqas, jarid etc and it is normal becuase you have %50 chance to get a s5 rare hero.

While watching, something poped up in my brain then I got curious and started to watch another videos and another videos. Then I realized that “you never get the previous hero” I watched a lot of summon videos of every season and every event, and it doesn’t matter if someone makes single pull, 10 pulls or 30 pulls. You never summon the previous one???

Whenever we complain about summon odds, sgg people tell us every summon is unique and according to the percentages. Isn’t it the proof that summons are rigged? They manipulate the summons and there is no explanation for that. (Except you can get 2 or more hotm after 10 or 30 pulls but you know why?)

The percentage of getting the same s5 rare hero in 2 pulls is %5 which is great but nobody gets it. This thing seems quite good for players but also questionable for summons. And also maybe I am too unlucky that in the videos that I watch. Maybe some people got the same hero in 2 pulls. If that’s the case, please let me know and I delete this thread.


I get tons of repeat 3 and 4 stars in the same 10 pull. Never repeat 5s, but never that lucky to get so many!

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Did you get the repeats consecutively? The question is that.


If the hypothesis stands correct, it’s rigged in our favor.

I have absolutely gotten the same hero back to back in summons, and not just once or twice. So it 100% does happen. Not sure this is what you want to hear, or not :woman_shrugging:


Yes this may be true but I will not believe it till I see a proof. I have been watching summon videos for 2 hours right now. Even a person got 3 featured hero in 10 pull but I still did not see the same hero in two consecutive pulls :slight_smile:

Yes true but lt also means that they have lied to us for 5 years


Realize that if you hypothesis is incorrect, it would happen as often as pulling a specific character in a single pull. That’s very rare. Try predicting the next hero you’ll pull. You’ll get that right as often as you would get a duplicate of your last pull.

In what world does “1% chance of getting what you want” isn’t rigged?


In the world of gambling.

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I probably stop playing the game fighting against Xnolphod every raid is annoying i don’t have problems to kill him but they always kill me in revenge at 99% of the time hwhat a op character give all that mana there is no challenge who boring it should be always win with the same hero

I also have gotten back to back 3* heroes also double 5*
And this happens also :grin:

(It happened with silvaria but I didn’t bother with the screen shot)


My friend, as I mentioned in my first post, this is something different. These two hotms come from your 10 or 30 pull. You may get them in your 6th and 9th pull. Just they show them at the end of your pulls. And also The difference is they have different percentage and you can get hotm with your every pull. It is another level and they have only one hotm. You pull sth and another dice is thrown whether you get that hero or not.

All I am asking is that very simple. Can we get the same hero in two consecutive pulls? Does anyone have a video or screenshot?

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No video or screenshot but its relatively common. Ive had it happen many times


Few months ago I picked up 2 Eiora&Fluffy from a 10 pull. They were drawn back to back. Not to mention a ridiculous number of Morrises and Poppies. It happens.

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Friends, I believe you. Also I think that I have got two same hero consecutively. Anyone has a photo or video? I still did not find anything.

Here is your video proof. This are my easter pulls from this year.

Around sec 10.

Considering that I only have 2 pull videos, with a total of around 50 pulls it seems quite common or I’m super lucky.
Probably the first, because although I don’t have more videos I remember a lot of instances where this happens.


Tbh i don’t remember getting one hero back to back so it’s very rare to me and I did my share of pulls in the past. U might be onto something here

I happens rather often. Unfortunately, I don’t record my pulls, so you’ll have to either take my word for it or dismiss my post.

Yes friends thank you. Then it happens right after Zynga bought the game. They thought of that if people get same hero in two pulls, they will get raged.

I am watching S5 pulls, and getting 2 same rare probability is %5 but nobody gets it even after 300 pulls.

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