Arrrrr zephyr, do you still have a slot open? Looked for you on LINE, are you zephyr or zephyr1 on LINE? I used to be on Anc1ent1’s old alliance and have heard great things about the Pirate Horde! TP around 3600, have at least 30 heroes for war above 500- just looking for a change of scenery, feel stagnant and value a supportive/friendly atmosphere above all else but still like a group that actively participates (which your “0” unused war flags speaks to).
Hey @Clostridium!
We do indeed have a space at the moment, and @AncientPirate1 gave me a heads up you might be reaching out.
My LINE ID is actually something different — what’s yours? I’ll invite you to our chat.
(and you can also search The Pirate Horde in the game and request to join if you’re already free)
Thanks zephyr, LINE ID is SeeDiff
Invite sent!
We’re officially down to our LAST spot available!
Give a jaunty pirate shout if you’re interested in joining!
I am laughing so hard right now! @zephyr1, be careful letting C. difficile into your alliance…once you’ve got it, so difficult to get rid of! And since you’re all on a ship…well…hope you brought plenty of tp!
Im sure @Clostridium is a great person, just don’t forget to wear your PPE!
In all seriousness, The Pirate Horde sounds like a great place to call home!
We’ve got one spot available, who wants to be a Pirate?
It is, super cool people who are active and chatty. They love the game as much as I do maybe more. Drama free and helpful. Great com and strategies, everybody uses their flags and attack titans (even though I’m at the bottom of the list.) What’s not to love about being a pirate
Here is bottle of rum with your name on it. Come and join us!
Still looking for one crew member.
Come and join us!!! we saved 1 spot for YOU !!!
Do you guys still have a spot open?
My stats:
DF TP 4169
- Playing since Oct 2017
- 21 5* heroes at tier 4 (some still need to be fully maxed), 30 4* at tier 4 (although want to opt out for now)
- Overall average titan damage/titan 130,000 (can be lower and higher depending on colour)
- I always try to be in the top 10-20 globally at least twice a week.
- I LOVE raiding
- I LOVE killing titans
- I use both Line & Discord
Unfortunately, I am not a huge fan of war and would rather have the option to opt out . That will no doubt change but for now, I want to avoid AW.
I also love long walks on the beach and a scotch or two.
Hey @MissNinjaJedi!
We actually just filled our last spot with a friend of an existing alliance member, but we’re all about chat/vibe fits — so you opting out of War would be totally fine, as long as you participate in the group in general.
We’ve had good luck finding a spot for people on a “waitlist” each time we’ve been full lately, when inevitably someone shuffles around for one reason or another. If you decide we’d be a good fit for you, you’ll get the first available spot.
If you’d like, I’d be happy to invite you to our LINE chat so you can get to know us a bit, and you’re welcome to stick around there even if you find a home elsewhere. We have a few outside visitors who participate regularly in our chat.
If that interests you, what’s your LINE ID?
Ah har me mateys
I like the sound of what you’ve got going in your alliance and would like to put my name forward for a peg leg fitting if possible
I’m a team player, always willing to help as well as listen and take on board advice from the old salty sea dogs
Last alliance was driving me to jump overboard as it was largely inactive.
I play hours & hours every day (some would say obsessively !!) , hit Titans, partake in AW, raids, quests etc etc
Current best team pwr is 3224, (have x15 Hero’s at lvl 60+ (x7 4*'s ascended with most 1/2 or more to to 70).
Currently working on levelling up a 4th levelled team to 60 (to get AW depth) with 5 & 6 teams hero’s allocated waiting in the wings.
(currently levelling: Proteus, G Jackal, Alice, Hansel & G Falcon)
Flirting between gold & Platinum cups wise
If you think I would cut the pirate mustard and look dashing to boot with an eye patch and peg leg then let me know please
grabs bottle of rum /Cheers
@Claymore Ahoy, I think we might be able to find an extra peg leg for you at some point.
For now we’ll have to have you on our waitlist — what’s your LINE ID so I can add you to our alliance chat in the meantime?
Many thanks for the reply shipmate
Before I get flogged at the mast i’m away to DL Line and get it set up, I’ll let you know my ID soon as I do
A friendly pirate warning:
LINE doesn’t create an ID by default.
Be sure to go to Settings > Profile > LINE ID to set one.
Thanks, Zephr! ID is missninjajedi
I probably could have guessed that.
I’ll invite you now!
Updating the ship’s log
Having trouble getting Line to work on my PC awaiting an answer back from them.
No worries, thanks for the update!
The phone version is often better than the desktop version, in my experience. But no rush, so if you prefer to wait on the desktop version, just let me know when you get it working.