The moderator instantly closed your post before anyone can read

Your topic about alliance matchmaking was merged to this thread: Alliance Wars Matchmaking (Discussion & Developer Response) MASTER - #3879 by Aphrodite

Your post was not de-listed either. People can still read it, and can click the link to get the merged thread, if they want to continue conversation there.

The reasons for the merge:

  • so that conversation would not rehash everything said in at least 20 other conversations that have already happened in that same topic on a different discussion thread
  • to keep the forum tidy, so it’s searchable and similar ideas and discussions are kept together. Otherwise the search function becomes far less useful.

#forum-rules technically state that we should delete duplicate threads, however Moderators have decided that instead of doing that, we close and merge them into similar threads (if one exists) so that the conversation can continue there. That way nothing gets lost, and nothing is hidden.