The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 1)

I got the first of my ninja troops! (Green). Also pulled Isarnia, who, while not a ninja, is still new to me and someone I run into in raids so maybe viable at least for a while even without her costume?


Grats, although for a f2p other colors than green are much more important. Still, great, invest to at least lvl 5 in that troop. Isarnia isn’t very useful in raids, however she’s great vs titans and on tougher map/quest stages, because of her huge mass long lasting defense decrease.

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Thanks! I’m feeling a tad guilty now - I’m not actually ftp and don’t want to mislead. I thought I was posting in another thread. Still, hi - you all have some insightful and really good discussions here. Mind if I stick around and maybe get converted to the ftp way?

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Nah. I am also not completely f2p although my spendings are extremely minimal ($5 monthly or less). You can always ask for advice here however keep in mind that the advice given here is usually best suited for the f2p, with their limited resources usually being distributed quite differently from a p2p. That incldues troop&hero leveling, base building, raid strategy, etc.


Isarnia is amazing for Titans, better defense down than Grimm. I also use her for challenge events where her slow speed isn’t a big issue because I can bring mana pots

And as @Saros said, anyone is welcome here although indeed most of us can only give advice from the perspective of non spenders with limited summons etc. :slight_smile: but you are certainly more than welcome!


Ninja Tower closed for renovations as soon it opened its doors…

Garnet: Zircon! I thought I told you to go easy on the snacks, look what you did to the floors! They were supposed to make them fall through, not us along with them!!
Zircon: I got hungry while waiting.

At least the concession stands (portals) are open. Because the main attraction can be done for maintenance, there will surely be a riot if the spending inducing portals are closed too, and $GG sure cannot have that, right?

I splurged my 24 ett, got dupe green Ninja, and my first Purple Ninja troop. This is like the what 6th Ninja tower?

That 1% odds for getting that last Red Ninja troop gave me quite a bit of eye rolling, head shaking, Oy Vey this wee hours in the Morning.

Meanwhile, enjoy the popcorn being handed out in the discussion thread about what might $GG do or might not do for compensation Until the tower is fixed.

Until next Ninja Tower…

Same here… spent 80 tokens but finally got my blue ninja troop.

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Thanks. 16 ETTs burned. Got a dupe red ninja troop (my third), and a dupe each of a crit and mana yellow troop. I’ll call that a win, as yellow mana was my last four-star troop, and I still only had one. Already have one of each color ninja troop, so whatever I got was always going to be gravy.


nice! enjoy your new troops @Noble_Weasel , @Quinn3


what is the best level to bring a ninja troop, all the way to level 30 or 7 or 11 will do?

there are no mana breakpoints to consider with ninja troops, so I don’t think there is an optimum stopping point… :slight_smile:

My yellow squad has gotten such a big boost recently… ascended Justice, maxes Mist, maxing a second Jackal and first Gretel, and today I earned the last aether I need to limit break Join’s costume :slight_smile:


Those are some nice additions

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thanks :slight_smile: yeah, really happy, they have breathed new life into my 4* Yellow squad!

maybe not so much at the 5* level, as my 5* team was solid already (though LBing Joon will help there!)

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I’ve mentioned it before but 4*s really are my favourite level of hero to use. Generally good enough to complete content so long as not trying to be at the very top level.

At some stage if I ever do really get fed up with the grind I will feed all my 5s away to my 4s and just have fun with that.


They take much less time and resources to max too :slight_smile:

Any support if you feel the same would be appreciated. :+1:


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Unfortunately, still a head-scratcher that they nerfed the Christmas Family Minion stats, and still choose to completely ignore Carol as she’s the only one in the family who doesn’t create minions but is only counted upon or became somewhat of a talking point when paired with others to provide a family bonus. Is it so hard to see giving her the ability to summon minions(even if only one for herself) isn’t going to break the game since most of these so called Christmas Defenses only featured the 5* heroes?

On the other hand, it is because she doesn’t generate minions that she’s largely spared from this nerf. She didn’t gain, but nor did she lose any less usership because of this.

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Her presence impacts the family bonus if you had her with Buddy or others. Say I paired them to boost Buddy’s minions.

Situational, but I was trying to make a bigger point.


Did you still sign up for the beta on the Three Kingdoms, @sleepyhead ? I had a whole day to think about it after seeing that banner.

And I thought:

  1. It’s a Monday and usually the busiest times so that I couldn’t get much, if any AR farming in, and they made it on a Monday, and shortened AR.
  2. I have not found any sea dragons at all today.
  3. They made the whole beta event optional.
  4. If I despised raiding strangers and fighting in wars against strangers (even if it was with my dear alliance mates) on a small scale, how much would I love being put together with 99 other strangers and fighting against 100 strangers with people trying to bark orders in the chat that I probably won’t have time or the will to read (see Global Chat) and being awarded with “Not worth the Effort.”
  5. I already said I hated the idea of having three kingdoms in a game where I started playing so I can get away from three kingdoms genre.
  6. I just had 2 raid tourney flags where I had my team’s collective heads handed to me because the game finds it hilarious to allow A.I. controlled defenses to have their members each fire 2 times before I can even fire any “one” of my specials in a rush 4* tourney where purple is not allowed by the board was plastered with purple tiles.

So I can now say, and this is just from me. To have Three Kingdoms being part of Empires and Puzzles showed pure greed from the developers who tried to capitalize on the popularity the genre had garnered in other markets instead of coming up with original content. Three Kingdoms does not belong in Empires and Puzzles, and I will take no part in it, beta or otherwise.