The FTP Rebellion. Who wants to join? (Part 1)

I should mention that we’re happy to have you, and hope you stick around even after the PoV.


congrats @Tess_01 , and also @Quinn3 :slight_smile: i’m sure you’ll have fun slaying Titans together!

PS @Tess_01 everyone here is indeed nice, including you! I wouldn’t have indicated the possibility of Ghost Ship (when the time is right) if you hadn’t been so nice and respectful :slight_smile:


So, it’s getting close, @SamMe. What are we thinking? Gonna make a run at Sergei?

I spent all my dang tower coins - a whole one summon - on the last ninja tower, since I didn’t know they were going to be usable on tower of magic. So I’ll be starting from scratch, and you know the Weasel ain’t got time for no 75 floors of magic BS. I’ll see about finishing the 25 normal levels, but basically I have to decide - do my gems 10-pull chasing Sergei, or nah? I’ve also got about $8 in Google credit that I could blow on tower currency and gems. But targeting one, specific, four-star hero in an event kinda seems like a fool’s errand when I could save my currency for something more likely to give a useful non-dupe, like S3, S4, or eventually even S5 (!) pulls. On the other hand, given that I don’t really plan to summon for Guardians again, and my HA 10 apparently hates me, my chances of getting Panther for elemental def down are slim and none, and slim just left town. So Sergei is it. High-risk, high-reward proposition. What are your thoughts?


I have 495 tower coins and 5600+ gems ready to go. Part of me thinks I’ll be happy with 3 Sergeis and nothing else.


I’ll sure as heck go for Sergei. I have enough gems for a 10-pull and some more, and for 4 coin pulls. So, around 20. I hope Sergei will honour my invitation. If the HotM decides to drop in too, I’ll be only too happy.


now I feel sad that I don’t have enough gems for a 10-pull, lol

Too many heroes, and the first Tower summons did me dirty, so I have no desire to go haywire on the summon portal here than what is derived from the game. With version 41, looks like all the tower currency have been converted so that both towers are interchangeable. As Challenge Events are using a common currency, there is only one thing that comes to mind when they did that. There will probably more Tower events down the road, and it won’t be pretty… Test your Might be climbing the Tower of Barbarians!!

I will likely also only try to complete the 25 floors needed to complete the event and see if that is enough for me to get 1 summon, as to the heroes featured… When I saw the name Sergei, what immediately came to mind was not to try to look up his info on the forum, but the scene from Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, when Bogdan Anasenko, played by Miraj Grbic, was broken out of a Russian prison by Ethan Hunt, played by Tom Cruise.

Bogdan: Sergei, are you not Russian?
Bogdan: Sergei, are you not Sergei?

He was immediately shot by a tranquilizer to prevent asking too much more questions.

That movie was the only time we ever saw Bogdan, and true to his role in the movie, played a supporting role. Which is largely going to be how I start viewing these pixilated heroes in the long run, supporting long list of names and will just be outdated and forgotten in a sea of even more pixilated heroes.

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Sigh. It really hurts my feelings when people in top 100 alliances give me ■■■■ for having difficulty with something that’s a piece of cake to them. Why do I bother posting?

We’ll see if I get even that far…. Not feeling the love for this one any more than NT. Maybe less. If I wanted to think that hard I’d be playing a different game :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


For me, I don’t feel Sergei is a must-have hero. That’s because I was incredibly lucky to get Panther last year (whilst hoping for a second Jackal). I don’t know who you use for holy titans, but I’m pretty sure I felt fine using Wilbur for defence down instead of Tibs on big titans. That’s who I used before getting Cheshire Cat (and before Panther).

I’m still relying on Wu Kong for titans, but I don’t want to “chase” Sergei* for his attack buff. And on top of that, Sergei could be druid class. This is a competitive class for me. So it’s pretty easy for me to not bother much.

However, in your case, I suggest possibly waiting until the portal opens, and then checking all the new ToM 3* and 4* heroes. If any other of them, especially the 3* appeal to you, you can always go for the 10-pull. You can’t summon if you don’t try. :wink:

*The only hero I wish to chase is Bauchan. However the next Avalon won’t be til next year, and I may have retired before it returns.


As someone currently in a top 100 alliance, I can understand his perspective. However, please know that we are not all like that.

sending virtual hug to you Tess_01

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I literally don’t have enough gems for a single pull. Given my current streak of luck, or lack there of, that’s probably for the better.

I thought you left that top alliance environment? :thinking:

Can’t wait to test my Gretel 2.0 in diamond raids and see if she can hang:

I rely on off-brand heroes … Gretel, the Romex of watches with Hansel, Hel, or Proteus being Rolex.



Looking very good! Hope you enjoy your LB Gretel, Muchacho! :+1:

On top alliance environment: Yes, I did leave my alliance. I returned, on a temporary basis.

Spoiler alert - she can. This one is identical to mine.

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I am surprised you emblemed and LB your Gretel. I thought you had some of the better mana controllers on your roster.



Yes, I have Onatel (still my fave!), Leonidas, Hansel, and Proteus. But mana control is where it’s at. You can’t have too much. In my late war teams, I have done Hansel and Gretel together or Hansel, Gretel, and Proteus together if I think there are multiple heroes I need to keep at bay. Also, I tend to run mono a lot in raids and events. Some combination of Onatel, Gretel, and Leonidas is often effective in mono yellow, and in four-star-only content, Gretel is one of my best yellow options.

Emblems was an easy decision, as I don’t have a lot of worthy barbarians, but LB wasn’t too hard either. The Pig was my first LB four-star yellow, and Gretel was second. Other options were Chao + costume (+17), Li Xiu + costume (no emblems), Hu Tao + costume (no emblems), Danza (no emblems), or Wu (no costume or emblems). I didn’t really think any of those were an attractive choice.

I don’t regret it. Hansel and Gretel’s mechanic is one of my favorites.


Gretel and Leonidas are probably my 1 and 1a mana controllers. I love that Gretel’s does more damage than the impact from her special when it triggers. Lowering her percentage for splash damage was dumb :man_shrugging:.

I wish I could emblem my Chao for his costume form. I do think it’s great given I lack most top notch mana control, but ranger emblems are just such a high demand on my roster. That being said Druid emblems are too even if costumes did use the new class. Chao being only +1 is too fragile to reliably hang in tough environments.

Can I LB his costume even if I haven’t LB the base form? I have the aethers for it and the bonus stats would equate to quite a few talent nodes I imagine. That might be worth it. :thinking:

I LB several heroes but until recently didn’t get around to actually leveling them. I think the only decision I regret is Boldtusk’s costume as well as Boldtusk. That isn’t that bad though, I won’t be losing sleep over it.

I can still do a 4* blue hero, but don’t have any worthy candidates. I did Sonya and her costume. I may do Kiril, but I can max Raff now and am thinking he’ll get priority for use given his abilities. I guess Kiril is better for titans obviously though. If I had Grimm’s costume that would maybe change things, but the chamber has been a disappoint for me for months really.

Green is a color that will keep me up at night. I want to LB c-Melendor (if you can do just the costume), Caedmon, c-Caedmon, and Buddy. I can’t decide who to leave out after the first go … probably Buddy. LJ would be nice too for me, but his days in non-quests are numbered with Elkanen getting emblems again. :man_shrugging:

All choices will happen soon enough. I have maybe 6 months worth of projects to level left including further rather events for green and purple. Portals have been brutal to me lately.


I’m almost certain that the answer to that is no, unfortunately.

Almost did the same, but realized I haven’t used C. Boldtusk in ages. Used to use him on class quests, but have better options now.

You know Raff has a place in my heart, but I’d also do Kiril, especially if you have his costume. He’s an everyday workhorse for me. I broke both the base and costume form.

Grimm with costume and LB hits HARD; :muscle:

Same, but I also have Brynhild (probably first priority, as she’s still in my main defense) and Hansel to consider also.

Better luck soon! I’m betting big on the Halloween portal. It better not screw me over!


Dumb. I have no use of base Melendor for example. Having to do him to do the costume is a waste.

I used mine regularly because of how fragile my reds are. Their A values are super high so the reduced costume bonus was still big. They can’t hit big if they’re dead though so the increased healing was worth it. Now with Zim adding healing at fast I used the costume less.

I do not have Kiril’s costume. As mentioned, the chamber has been especially brutal. I have too many good blues to waste two spots with healers to bring Raff and Kiril. I will do this when all other LBs are leveled and see if I got Grimm’s costume or something by then.

Between SE and Villains I am at 40 pulls +/- with no HotM and only a single event 3* to show for it. Lame indeed.


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I understand you.

May I ask who you have wanted out of Elradir/ Devana/Chakko/Alexandrine?

I would like most of them, only Chakko didn’t particularly appeal. Out of the above four HOTM, I’ve gotten a Chakko. :rofl:

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I passed on Elradir to increase my shot at Devana. This was due to my roster than thinking Elradir is inferior. Probably 35-40 pulls in Devana’s month. Elradir was then normal free pulls 5-10.

Chakko was just free pulls. I didn’t try for him but would have been happy to get him. Maybe 5-10 pulls.

Alex had free pulls 5-10 plus 5 villains summons for like 10-15. This was because I wanted any sort of villain more than Alex. Would not have been upset to get her.

I didn’t think any of the 4 would be bad for my roster. Devana would have just really excelled.

Congrats on Chakko!
