đŸ§Ș The Beta Beat (v23) [NOW RELEASED] – Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta: Stronghold 22/23 & Alchemy Lab, New Challenge Event Heroes, New Knights of Avalon & Pirates of Corellia Challenge Events, Costumes, November/December HOTM

Okay, so I was being somewhat tongue-in-cheek with that comment, but I just downloaded the new version, and of course that was what I went to check first, and sure enough, where FREE! used to be, there was a button for a deal on emblems. The nice thing is that it goes away after being clicked. I wanted to take a screenshot, but it won’t come up any longer.


“Summon Gate label changed: removed the number of available free summons and moved the FREE text above the gate.”

So it still says “FREE” if I have any kind of token, just doesn’t tell me how many?

The #1 thing I want there is some way of knowing if my REAL free summon is ready. The one you get daily and has to be collected before the timer starts running again.

So they’ve actually made it worse. It still says FREE instead of showing the timer, and now I can’t use the changing number to tell.

Leave the number. Say “FREE” when the daily free summon is available, otherwise show the countdown timer. Seriously, how hard is this?


Very useful, thank you for posting!!


Its sad if this game is going all out now to charge us for everything. People are going to realise this and just leave the game, but the ones that have spent thousands will probably stay, but in the long run, they will lose more money then they will make being greedy.

If its true they are charging money now for these rare items to ascend your heroes, then im not going to spend another cent on gems. Ive only spent about $200 and i enjoyed buying gems trying to get better heroes, but these new buildings coming out only to make it harder and spend more money is going to destroy the game.

Ive been playing for 4 months and i was really starting to enjoy the game, but not having the items needed to ascend your heroes is frustrating and from what im seeing from the devs now just shows me how greedy they are.

So unless there are changes to this, I can see the game losing many customers and people.

Just remember SMALL GIANT GAMES, there is always that next big game just around the corner and if you dont treat your fans right, they will move on.


I can see how it would appear that way from your perspective.

However, when I’d been playing for four months - over a year ago now - those Ascension materials were even rarer. I wasn’t given any option to pay some gems into a building and get stuff. It was nearly a year grind to get the goods and start building a five star team.

So from my perspective the thing you’re most complaining about right now is just how it was normally for those of us who started a year or two ago. You just get bonus options for gems ~if you want them~ 
if not, play the game at the difficulty we played it at.

 this is heartbreaking. Thanks so much @zephyr1 for, on top of everything you’ve done, breaking the math for us. I was convinced that somehow we could work our way around and make something useful out of this feature but Math is king and takes no hopes or emotions into account.


I’ve seen lots of posts here about how long things will take plus the gems cost. So 10k alkashards is the cost to outright buy 1 item, is that right? If so how long does it take to build the get to sh23, from 21 then build the al to the level where I get alkashards and then how long until I could gather 10k? And once I get 10k that lets me buy a 4* mat outright or is it rng for mats? And does it have a wait time c once shards are used or do you just use 10k and get the item right away.
I thought I saw times of 2 mats per year. I know sg has missed the mark before but really? That’s why I’d like the time from start(from 21) to finish, where I get the mat I want. Thanks.

The thing here is though, that the devs will not allow trading but instead, you have to pay gems for a chance to get the item you want.

The devs need a balance of free things and payed things. Once players see the devs are just out for a cash grab and nothing else, they will see it and move on.

The devs should be able to make enough money from gems to summon heroes, not sure why they need to anger their fans with this, not very smart when there is a very very similar game out right around the corner called MYTH WARS. Like I said the only ones that will stay at this game is the ones that have spent thousands, others will move on.

I get a 4star unfarmable Mat roughly every 10-14 days. For free. By completing events, killing titans, opening chests, doing well in tournaments, lucky w mystic vision.

There is a trickle of free out there. You just need to be good enough to get the certain ones and lucky enough to get the others.

Got these 6 minutes apart.


 is that the new and exciting new feature that bring new sources for mats and emblems? (what they promised when they said they won’t change raid tournaments anymore but work on new and exciting features as a source for mats and emblems?)


I believe all of those questions are covered in the top post of this thread, but if you still have questions after reading through that, let me know! :slightly_smiling_face:


I honestly have no idea what that was meant to refer to, and I will respectfully add that I feel it wasn’t a productive statement to include in the announcement about Raid Tournament Loot.


You play the cards you are dealt.

You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.

Always the option to take your ball and go home.

Life’s too short, enjoy it.


I said that in another thread and will keep repeating in these discussions

The long term problem this game has to face is that they keep adding new 5 star heroes at ridiculous rate - first we had event challenges heroes, then seasonal heroes, then Atlantis heroes, now new event challenge heroes, every month has a new shiny hotm etc. It’s literally at least 3 new 5 star heroes per month. While originally this game had 20, now it is close to 80.

But the drop of ascension materials i nowhere close to keep up with this rate. I have played this for a year, bought most of the offers and been able to ascend 2-3 5 stars of each color. 13 maxed. 25 on the bench, majority of whom are just placeholders who will never see final ascension because I’ll save up for potentially better hotm in the future. It really makes me not want to summon anymore, because why would I, if I am not going to max out that hero that I get even if I am lucky to score it at 1.3% chance or whatever low it is. They are as stubborn not to give the rare mats as if this game still had 20 legendary heroes.

Alchemy lab not going to change anything I am afraid. Not just the gem cost, but also the transmutation times. 7 days for a 5% of getting something useful? Means half a year on average for a random epic mat. That is spending 600 gems per month for more rng. Thanks but this is way beyond ridiculous. And with the building times it’s still at least 3 months of constantly upgrading storages/stronghold/researching etc to get there. Not to mention, any level below 9&10 is just waste of thoughts. Transmute trash into less trash of another category. Spend time and resources. Yay. So exciting.

So whom you want to make me summon now again?


Played for a year? 13 maxed 5*? 25 on the bench?

Tell us again how you are suffering for ascension mats?


If the devs want more money they are going about this all wrong IMO. They dont need to charge us for these rare items if they want more money, people would rather spend their money on gems for Summons to get these new cool heroes.

But like I said in a previous thread, there is no use in getting 5* heroes if you cant ascend them. So by making these rare items so rare (and now trying to make more money off them) they are doing more harm then good and will lose money in the long run I reckon.

Well from me anyway, not sure how everyone else feels about this, but im not buying no more gems because I cant even ascend 1 5* hero in 4 months of play.

Just allow item trading between alliance members and limit the amount per week/per month and everyone is happy and all is fair and balanced.


Don’t envy me, I spent for that, it wasn’t luck. Point is even the spenders can’t enjoy fully what the game has to offer because of the rates. Not to mention to keep up with their tempo of releasing the new heroes. They think they focus on whales but whales are equally disappointed.

Basically what Jackie said above.


So costumes are not part of the v23 update?

I feel that it’s another new feature and another failure for most of the playing population.
I agree that they can’t make this game too easy to progress but the devs mentality of squeezing every last penny out of players and making the grind just too demoralizing in terms of lack of reward is just turning off players.
Their main revenue stream will always be people chasing new (or old) 5* heroes with gems but they’re reducing the impetus for this by being so stingy with ascension materials. I’m not even advocating doubling the rewards or anything like that but at least make things easier.
Many players hoped that this Alchemy lab would do that but paying 200 gems for a 1 in 20 chance of a random 4* mat is not that.
The only thing keeping most people in this game is the community, specifically alliance teammates and their time that they have invested. Both are a lot to give up.
But shouldn’t the game feel more rewarding aswell?


No, sparrow (says the scarecrow fluttering his hat)