Thank you programmers again / No strategic value at all / BS. You can not deny this one – Seahks123’s Feedback

He/she will probably be laying out a 100+ pulls this AR

I’m sorry you have had such a negative experience.

I’ve found RNG to usually explain my losses, a good understanding of the win/loss ladder to help explain my war experiences, and sheer dumb luck to explain my utter lack of HOTM thus far (years of HOTM’s!) A quick perusal (hmm, maybe a longer perusal!) of the Forum helps me understand why some things work and others don’t in raid.

The difference is I don’t blame SG for masterminding my losses or being out to get me. The tinfoil hat of conspiracy has sailed for this cat. :wink:


I agree with your whole post!


YES to this! :joy:

If only I could find something in real life to blame for every time I screw up.


Actually, I DO blame RNG in real life, doesn’t solve anything but it helps to vent out frustration. Plus, blaming RNG implies that it’s not your fault and RNG doesn’t get offended easily (unlike karma, karma is a b!tch)
It’s a win-win scenario! :laughing:


In my experience the blame irl goes like this: wife->husband(me)->kids(who blame each other)->dog. Luckily for the dog she is super cute so she gets away with alot.


Downloading a match 3 game and then complaining that it uses a random number generator to create boards is strange. Blaming the outcome of said RNG on the programmers is asinine. Of course a game based around matching random tiles is going to involve a good amount of luck.

As others have pointed out, there are still some strategic elements in the game. These strategic decisions, combined with luck-of-the-board, and (most of all) paying or grinding for better heroes are what collectively contribute to your success or failure. We all know this. It’s the nature of this type of game and nobody is claiming otherwise.

If you want a game where the outcome is entirely based on the strategic and tactical decisions of the players, try chess.