Telluria – 5* Nature/ Green - March 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

Personally that defense seems a little on the passive side to me but I like to have at least one good sniper on my defense. You have a whole lot of AoE and DoT happening but nothing particularly hard hitting to follow up with. But, maybe Sif and her riposte could take care of that provided she doesn’t get dispelled…

If I will have Ariel, then this defence may become this:
JF - Ariel - Telluria - Vela - Marjana.
Is this better? But this leaves telluria vulnerable to her bigger enemy - mono red tiles - during a whole matchup.

I prefer the first defense. I am not a big fan of doubling up colors on a defense team. Based on your heroes I would go…

C. Rigard-Sif-Telluria-Vela-Marjana

Similar to your first defense but now you have a hard hitting sniper with Marj in the mix providing you have her maxed.

I acquired Telluria yesterday, but not sure what to make of her, honestly? :thinking: Decisions, decisions on which 5s green to max next, I have 5 candidates to think about… maybe I’ll get 'em all to 3 /70 first, then decide!


I like Telluria but have a similar dilemma. I have King, LotL, Hatter, Lady Locke all at 3.70. Have Zeline at 2.60. Also have Heimdall, and the Rat is close behind. As I have Alby already maxed I’m not rushing Heimdall. But I really like the Rat for titans and King is great for my raid offense. LotL is great too imo. But only have emblemed Morgan as potential green tank and although she is my favorite hero I don’t like her as a tank as much as Telluria. With only six tonics currently I am stalling on who to move forward next.

Wilbur + Rigard would counter hard that team, with other 3 heroes left to pick…

effects too similar or too passive aren’t good for a defense IMHO.

And I am trying to decide too Telluria or Heimdall, my team will be one of them

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I was so happy pulling Telluria yesterday :-), it made my day. Now planning my “new” defence. I have all the mats for Telluria ready to go and about 400 feeders waiting in my TC’s 11…

I have Seshat +7, Poseidon +10, Gravemaker +11, JF at 3/70, Vela +9, Ursena +6 and Lianna +6

I was thinking: Seshat, Vela, Telluria, Gravemaker, Poseidon

Any thoughts or advice is welcome. Is this the good direction and in what order? Thanks in advance!
cheers and have fun playing! Wim :slight_smile:


I would say Telluria, she would buy some time for you other heroes to go off and holding a cleanse to clear everything isn’t always possibile with Neith.

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I think , and only by watching the videos that we have testing Telluria . That is a more agressive tank than heimdall .
So you choice should be based in if you need a durable and at the same time agressive tank or a durable and tricky one ( hp boost , resurrection etc)

Swap Gravemaker and Vela, in this way he would easily target more heroes and Vela would still hit all of them anyways.


had indeed some doubts about those two, thanks!

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Personally I would think Telluria would make the better tank.

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I can’t decide which 1 to place with Vela & Sif.

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There’s no right or wrong between those 2 imo. Both are decent tanks and allrounders.

Maybe take a look in here:


Rigard + wilbur ask 20 tiles to work, 18 with the good troops. Just wondering what youre going to counter whit this massiv need in tiles…

All the threats that said defense could pose…

Wilbur counter Sif counterattack and is a red hero, good to fight a green tank;
Rigard counter Telluria, Vela and Jean-François status aliments.

Neiher of them deals a high amount of upfront damage, minimizing the chances that any of your heroes would die from them before a heal could happens so you would have plenty of time gathering enough mana to take down said defense, even in the case that Telluria would cast her special halfway.

So, if a player were to bring (let’s say) a team of Rigard, Wilbur and other red heroes he would have such an easy fight that he would think that this team would have been set to drop cups. If a defense team would work just as long as the tank ist’s there then the defense isn’t functional in the slighest.

I agree with you for Rigard. But how Wilbur will counter this def?

  1. There is no snipers, only DoT + AoE + Minions.

  2. Sif’s buff is not defence up, it just removes half of the damage after counterattack, so, Wilbur’s def down is not so effective on right flank.

  3. Attacker definitely need a dispeller for this matchup, because Sif, Telluria, JF and C. Rigard will buff all (and JF also protects from Wilbur’s defence down).

Counterattacks on heroes that shares damage aren’t very effective, they get their countarattack damage reduced for every hero wich share damage.

Example, if you would deal 300 damage on a hero with counterattack but he is sharing the damage with other 4 heroes you’ll be able to counerattack just 60 damage while the effective damage dealt would be 300. And there is also the possibility that by targetting heroes wich didn’t get affected by Sif damage reduction you would avoid entirely the issue.

Once again you ll never counter a fast defensive team with 2 average heroes who s not even sharing the same color.

Btw bringing wilbur agaisnt vela is a terrible idea.

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