Superior revive nerf

Playing against some very strong S1 costumed heroes or in tournaments against boldtusks that revive ~8times and heal itself almost every time is a really difficult mechanic, and seems unbalanced compared to other talent mechanics.
My suggestion isn’t to nerf this to the ground, but to maybe have the probability go down to 25% activation chance after 2 or 3 times it has been activated, or -5% after every activation; stopping at 10%.

no need for any nerfs
it has counters:

  • silence
  • mana block
  • mindless attack/heal
  • hansel and gretel
  • talents block and revive block
  • some of the bard’s passives that cuts all revive chances in half.

i used hansel against toon boldtusk this tournament and he revived once and died from the damage

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