Super fast/Lu Bu tank 🦊

Knowing the common sense in high end super fast wars (kalo Ludwig alfrike khufu mother) i was wondering if there’s anything even better and think I found something without having Lu Bu or any other mighty slow fiend summoner. So I used motega to test it, pairing him with mighty pets he triggers all of them (85% damage to everyone when fiend is summoned), not just once per turn like written on each card, they all trigger. So, Lu Bu and 2 mighty pets does 500% (330+2x85%) to everyone, probably instant death with a few slash attacks and the fiends, with 3 pets it’s 585%, R.I.P.
Anyone having all these needed ever tried that in super fast war or tournaments? :fox_face:

I think I read some posts on this when pets were new, it is only as the card states… Each pet individually only has their passive triggered once per turn, so 4 pets can all fire passive with a single fiend summon.

Now… While this will hurt… I don’t think it is as simple as adding the % attacks together, each passive will hit you and be impacted by individual attack stats and defense, the damage is likely minor… I really only have 1 fiend (scoratek) and 2 pets (ribbit and max)… Ribbit isn’t leveled so I can’t test, but I doubt the small damage from a 3* is anything to note.

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Something like this plus Lu Bu tank, wish I had a fiend tank to test it. Testing it on offense with motega fiend, they all did between 70 (the 3star and not counting 1-1 hachiko who might hit above 180) and 150 damage each on everyone (fully built 5stars), maybe that’s 20% or so more on defense, paired with Lu Bu that should be enough.

Hopefully someone will test something like that, I’m curious.

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I feel like it’s been done and there were some high level defenses when pets were new with like cleaver, double chomper out in top 100, maybe bubbles too, but the people with those types of defense keep going to newest so you won’t see them now.

Here is a topic for you @vanZille discussing this friend strategy.

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Sure but super fast is different, that’s a tank firing special instant kill at super fast speed, probably not better than the kalo mother combo but could combine both, kalo Toto (his -80% damage from strong color pays of on a d provoking red attackers in addition to if Lu Bu is out) Lu Bu hachiko mother or so :thinking::thinking: for those having everything :smile:

Oh, thanks, thought I’m not the first thinking about it :smile:

Yeah, everything is different in rush for sure. There are fast fiend summoners like cleaver and fortuna that can make this situation happen in almost any raid/war setting.

Those being able to field such a pet/fiend defense sure have even better options outside super fast and the faster fiend heroes you mentioned don’t do enough damage to make that a one special win on defense as combined with Lu Bu can do.

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