Summons are ridiculous - Summons MASTER

Was hoping for BK or LoL and got 2nd Guin! Before I had 20 summons and got 3* and 4*

I play this game since one and a half year but it seems that if you invest more money the less probability you have for dropping Legendary Heroes.
Today was “the drop that full the bucket” i bought 3 times x 10 summon + another 10 Challange coins and i receive…nothing (only 3* heroes)!!!
So, in order to not be frustrating anymore i decide since this moment to NOT invest any money in this game who know only how to squeez the money from us.

I wish you all the best!

I’m getting sick of this…I have been playing for over 1 year and until today I have not been able to get a 5 star hero…tired of spending my gems on this crap…will be leaving this game very soon if things dont change…the creators are just about money!!!

50/50…either you get it, or you don’t.

Why not leave now? Everything is a gamble, if you don’t like the odds…leave.

Hmmmm. Do you ever spend money in the game for an occasional 10-pull, etc? If so, what would you say your budget is?

As for the creators being about money? Well…I mean, yeah. It’s what they do for a living, so why not?

I’m very sad and disappointed, 3 costume events same

Unfortunately not a bug… just RNG.

What I mean by this is that the odds are 71% that you will get a 3* hero & costume…

So if you do the maths, the likelihood of getting one non-3* hero in 8 summons is 93.5%… So not unfathomably unlikely but definitely possible.

Putting it in perspective, if 1 million players did 8 costume summons, 65 THOUSAND of them would not get anything but 3* heroes & costumes…

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Only Brienne missing :wink:

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same thing happened for me :confused: so disappointing

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It’s a business m8 and their livelihood so making money is what it’s about but at least you can still play for free as no one is forcing you to spend a cent.

Firstly! CONGRATULATIONS on your first 5*.
So what your say here is you have been playing for over a year, spent some money, did how ever many summons and never got a 5* and you never once came to this forum to whine and complain BUT on the day that YOU DID GET A 5* you felt the need to join us here in the forum to complain and threaten to leave, Hmmmmmm, very very fishy to me.

Don’t you see an issue with that?

Happy gaming m8

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I think one thing that’s being missed is that the low 5* rate keeps it competitive. The real p2p games make it impossible to compete without spending serious money. Played one game that I spent a few hundred just to realise I’d have to spend close to a thousand just to compete with the low-mid level guys. This game I’ve spent a few hundred and have a A rated 5* team that will probably take another two years to level, but the grind makes it fun. It sucks to get 10 3* on a 10 pull but it sounds like it’s the same for almost everyone. At least you have plenty of extra characters to level the good ones with.

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Ur worry satisfied got brinne lol :joy: but luckily got HOTM :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have done 220 pulls of Knights of Avalon, got Lianna, Thorne and hotm. No Avalon 5* despite all this money invested. Last time I pulled 60 Avalon and 5* there. Your 10 pulls are lucky to have at least sone 4*'s.

To zynga it does. SG no longer owns the game. Bid welcome to Farmville lll

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Not see an heroes 4 or 5*

Honestly I don’t understand this game ,I don’t se an heroes 4or 5from last year and I doit allot of calls. Shame on you team behind this game


I’m sorry to hear of your experience.

Regarding Summons; if you’d like to complain/ vent there is a dedicated thread for that.

If you’re wanting information on the game et… I’d suggest this as a good place to start:

What is your training camp level?

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Yes and No. Zynga owns the Lion-share of it, yet SG still retains some ownership for now, as evidenced in the most recent Terms of Service. (It helps to read the fine print.) :wink:

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I belive its commonly called controling interest